
  • 网络Solder Paste
  1. 烷基羟基胺在无铅焊锡膏制备中的应用

    Application of Hydroxy-alkyl-amine to Lead-free Solder Paste

  2. 焊锡粉是焊锡膏的主要成分,其质量的好坏对焊锡膏的印刷质量起着至关重要的作用。

    Solder powder is the main component of solder paste , and the quality of paste print mostly depend on the solder powder .

  3. 新型焊接技术&免清洗焊剂和无铅焊锡膏

    A New Solder Technology : Rinse-free Flux and Lead-free Solder Tin Paste

  4. 铋能够有效地降低熔点,但是也会使焊锡膏脆弱并容易断裂。

    Bi is effective to lower the melting point but it also makes solders weak and brittle .

  5. 阐述了国内外免清洗焊剂和无铅焊锡膏的研究现状及其在电子组装技术中的应用前景。

    The research on and the application in the electronic assembly technology of the two materials are reviewed .

  6. 阿米特公司生产一系列焊锡膏、焊锡丝和助焊剂等产品,性能卓越、质量可靠,可满足不同客户的各种需求。

    Almit produces a wide range of solders and fluxes with varying attributes and characteristics to suit practically every task .