
  • 网络Anti-Aliasing;anti-aliased;antialiasing;Anti-Alias
  1. 其中一个变化是字体的反锯齿功能,让字符的显示变得更加平滑。

    One change is that typeface antialiasing , which smooths curves to get rid of jagged , pixilated edges of font characters , operates over two dimensions instead of just one with earlier technology .

  2. 并基于此算法,设计了反锯齿函数程序。

    Based on this algorithm , design procedures for anti-aliasing function .

  3. 有一种强力的抗混叠的解决方案-超级采样,也称为全景反锯齿(FSAA的),但性能损失相当可观。

    There is a brute force anti-aliasing solution-supersampling , also known as Full Scene Anti Aliasing ( FSAA ), but the performance hit is considerable .

  4. 图像及动画输出反锯齿功能加入到视窗版本中。

    Anti-aliased image and animation export capability has been added to the Windows version .

  5. 只有缴费的反锯齿字体。

    Only avaiable for anti-aliased font .

  6. 线框视图使用反锯齿

    Enable Anti-aliased Lines in Wireframe Views

  7. 通过对反锯齿算法的分析,利用双线性插值法,实现了旋转图像的反锯齿功能。

    Through the analysis of anti-aliasing algorithm , using bilinear interpolation to achieve a rotating image of the anti-aliasing capabilities .

  8. 如果弧线是反锯齿的,我们在其边缘使用较平均的背景色彩。

    If the curves are anti-aliased , we matte the edges to an average of the background color behind them .