
fǎn chāo
  • turn the tide;turn defeat into victory
  1. 比分落后的乙队最终反超了甲队。

    Finally Team B caught up with team a and took the lead .

  2. 野村证券(Nomura)斯图尔特•杰弗里:GalaxyS4将帮助三星反超苹果。

    Nomura 's Stuart Jeffrey : Galaxy S4 to help Samsung overtake Apple .

  3. 除非诺基亚能设法超出预期,顺利地从塞班平台过渡到微软公司(Microsoft)的WindowsPhone7,否则到今年底以前,很可能被苹果反超。

    Unless Nokia manages the transition from Symbian to Microsoft ( MSFT ) Windows Phone 7 more smoothly than expected , Apple could overtake it before the end of the year .

  4. 尽管如此,我们认为S4将帮助三星在2013年的高端智能手机市场反超苹果。

    Nevertheless , we see the S4 potentially helping Samsung to overtake apple in high-end smartphone shipments during 2013 .

  5. 互作早期的接种叶POD活性高于上、下部叶,然而非亲和性互作的上部叶POD活性很快就反超接种叶。

    In the same way , although there was a higher POD activity in inoculated leaf in the early period of interaction than in the upper and down leaves , POD activity in the upper leaf in incompatible interaction exceeded rapidly the inoculated leaf .

  6. 每一个赛道转身时菲尔普斯都保持领先地位,直到最后时刻被反超。Cos以1分52.96秒的成绩夺冠,只领先0.05秒,日本选手获得铜牌。

    Phelps was in the lead at every turn but Cos surged past the American at the finish to win in 1 minute 52.96 seconds . Phelps was just five-hundredths of a second behind , and Japan 's Takeshi Matsuda grabbed bronze .

  7. 切尔西后卫里卡多。卡瓦略坚信切尔西能够反超联赛领头羊曼联。

    Chelsea defender Ricardo Carvalho insists they can overhaul Premiership leaders Manchester united .

  8. 哈里的反超之王现在不知失败为何物。

    Harry Redknapp 's comeback kings just do not know when they are beaten .

  9. 最后两分钟反超比分赢了比赛。

    The final two minutesto win this game .

  10. 首节战罢,中国队以23-19领先,此后菲律宾队再也没能完成比分反超。

    The host team finished the first quarter 23-19 and never looked back again .

  11. 国内价格反超国际期货价。

    Domestic price counter-ultra international forward price .

  12. 因此,裁判判给意大利一个点球,意大利反超,比分为1比2。

    Hence the referee awards the Italians a penalty , which they gratefully convert : 2-1 to Italy .

  13. 他虽然一直保持领先优势但到第七圈时,被甄卓伟以1:50.475的成功反超。

    He held that position until lap7 when Andy found a clear lap and made a time of1: 50.475 .

  14. 对于超滤量少的患者,可在适当补充液体的同时增加超滤量,以提高跨膜压,防止反超。

    For those with less ultrafiltration , fluid as well as ultrafiltration should be supplemented to increase the transmembrane pressure .

  15. 希望我们可以在联赛中重回榜首,如果曼联为多方比赛而挣扎的话,他们知道我们会抓住机会反超他们。

    Hopefully we can bounce back in the league and if Manchester United struggle they know we will be there .

  16. 中国在圣诞节前的一季度也有过反超情况,那个时期历来是它生产总值的高峰。

    It had previously done so only in the quarter before Christmas , when Chinese GDP is always seasonally high .

  17. 这位总决赛最有价值球员反超了他的队友史蒂芬·库里,自2013年以来又一次获得第2名。

    The Finals MVP moved back ahead of teammate Stephen Curry to claim the No. 2 spot for the first time since 2013 .

  18. 下半场蓝军队长由于脸部被踢,被火速送往医院的同时,切尔西以2:1反超了枪手!

    The Blues captain was rushed to hospital during the second half of his side's2-1 comeback win over the Gunners after receiving a kick in the face .

  19. 比赛一开始,作客的菲律宾队打出一波5-0的小高潮,并一度保持领先直到15-10,之后中国队回敬了一波7-0的进攻高潮,并将比分反超。

    The visitors started the game with a 5-0 burst , and kept the advantage to 15-10 before China responded with a 7-0 spurt to overtake the lead .

  20. 中小企业要占领市场、发展壮大,创新是唯一的出路,而破坏性创新则为中小企业创造了反超成熟大型企业的机会。

    To occupy the market and developing , innovation is the only way out . And the disruptive innovation creates an opportunity for SMEs to to surpass the large companies .

  21. 斯科特尔在英格兰处子球为利物浦先拔头筹,而曼城爱尔兰以及阿德巴约反超比分。

    Martin Skrtel 's first goal in English football gave the Reds a1-0 lead just after the break but strikes from Stephen Ireland and Emmanuel Adebayor turned the game on its head .

  22. 在弗格森的带领下,曼联已经8获英超联赛冠军称号,其中6次是在联赛圣诞休战之前还落后几个对手的情况下,在最后关头反超的。

    Manchester United have won the Premier League title eight times under his direction and on six of those occasions the side have been lurking a few paces away from the leaders at Christmas .

  23. 在绝境中,库里没能投中反超比分的3分球,后来勇士队因为叫了一个已经用完了的暂停被吹罚技术犯规,给了伦纳德一次罚球机会,最终剩下0.9秒。

    Stephen Curry missed a contested 3-pointer in the waning moments before Golden State called a timeout it didn 't have , giving Leonard a technical free throw with 0.9 seconds left to seal it .

  24. 他得出的结论是:在西罗马帝国灭亡之前,西方要略微领先于东方;此后至18世纪之间,西方一直落后于东方;而18世纪后西方再次反超。

    His conclusion is that the west was somewhat more advanced than the east until the fall of the western Roman empire , behind it from then until the 18th century , and then ahead .

  25. “当初比我们多了六七分,但是一个月以后的现在,因为状态不好就被我们给反超了。”里奥在接受每日镜报的时候说。

    " They were six or seven clear of us a month ago but it can all change quickly if you have a bad run ," the England international was quoted as saying in The Daily Mirror .

  26. 随后的比赛中,申花试图通过进攻来反超比分,坐在替补席上的贾秀全急切地向场上队员连连传递着进攻的指示,但申花的进攻往往都是无功而返。

    The next game , trying to attack Shenhua lead to the score , sitting on the bench Jia Xiuquan market players eager to pass a series of instructions to attack , but Shenhua 's offense often failed .

  27. 在第二场比赛中,尽管落后于评价颇高的乌兹别克斯坦队,中国队还是保持冷静,并以2比1反超,整场比赛几乎没有出现什么问题,走出了过去的挫折。

    Despite falling behind against a highly rated Uzbekistan team in the second game , China kept calm , came back to take a 2-1 lead and played out the game with few problems , a departure from the past .

  28. 随后找回状态的张继科连追5分并把比分反超为9比8,但最后这位青岛小伙又出现了2次非受迫性失误,以12比14输掉了第一局。

    Coming back to his normal level of play , Zhang pulled five points in a row to overtake the lead 9-8 , but the Qingdao native again stumbled before losing it 14-12 with two unforced errors in the end .

  29. 由此可见,政府主导下的金融政策先行战略运用在落后地区经济追赶发达地区经济、甚至反超发达地区经济是可行的。

    Thus ," under the guidance of the government ' sfinancial policy go ahead of the rest " the strategy used in the backward region economy to catchup with the developed region economy , and even the develop region economy is feasible .

  30. 由于偶极跃迁几率只对反Stokes超Raman散射线有贡献,所以反Stokes线与Stokes线的强度公式不对称,前者含有更丰富的频谱。

    Because probability of dipole transition only contributes to anti-Stokes hyper-Raman scattering intensity , the intensity formulae of the anti-Stokes and Stokes are asymmetric , and the former consists of richer spectra than the latter .