
dì sān dì guó
  • The Third Reich (1934-1945) .
  1. 第三帝国给这个世界留下了深深的烙印。

    The Third Reich left a lasting imprint on the world .

  2. 到第三帝国时期,它上升为国家政策。

    It rose to national policy in the Third Reich .

  3. 我父亲告诉我,二战期间,他的父亲是英国海军一艘扫雷艇的船长。他的任务是找到并引爆第三帝国(ThirdReich)海军布设的水雷,保障从美国到英国的军需物资运输路线畅通。

    As my father tells it , his father was the captain of a British Navy minesweeper in World War II , a job that required finding and blowing up mines laid by the navy of the Third Reich to disrupt shipments of war supplies from the United States to Britain .

  4. 难道他们不知道第三帝国的决心?

    Did it not know the intentions of the third reich ?

  5. 这些死心塌地的纳粹分子为他们的第三帝国效命。

    These diehard Nazis went all out to serve their Third Reich .

  6. 第三帝国的末日已经来到。

    The last days of the Third Reich had come .

  7. 其他人想要坚定地把重点放在第三帝国上。

    Others wanted the focus firmly on the Third Reich .

  8. 纳粹党和德意志第三帝国的正式徽章。

    The official emblem of the Nazi Party and the German Third Reich .

  9. 在第三帝国时期,被告们担任法官。

    The defendants served as judges during the period of the third reich .

  10. 德国广播电台,英国人民,第三帝国向你们问好。

    Germany broadcasting , People of Britain , greetings from the Third Reich .

  11. 第三帝国(1933-1945年纳粹统治下的德国)。

    The Third Reich , ie Germany under the Nazi regime ( 1933-1945 )

  12. 因为我们是第三帝国最后的军官。

    Of having been officers of the finest corps of the third reich .

  13. 但是第三帝国却成了历史陈迹。

    But the Third Reich had passed into history .

  14. 第三帝国比它的缔造者多活了七天。

    The Third Reich survived the death of its founder by seven days .

  15. 1945年的春天,第三帝国的末日很快地来临了。

    The end came quickly for the Third Reich in the spring of 1945 .

  16. 第三帝国不是你们的敌人。

    The Third Reich is not your enemy .

  17. 但是1945年春天,第三帝国却完全不存在了。

    But in the spring of 1945 the Third Reich simply ceased to exist .

  18. 第三帝国的兴亡:纳粹德国史

    The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich ; A History of Nazi Germany

  19. 这种代价是严重的,在第三帝国的梦想破灭之后,他们都受到法庭起诉。

    The price was high . These musicians were charged after the Third Reich collapsed .

  20. 更为不幸的是,它的终结带来了第三帝国的建立,以及后期纳粹德国对人类文明无情的践踏和侵略。

    After its end , the Third Reich established which brought aggression to human civilization .

  21. 第三帝国再次建立。

    The Third Republic was then re-established .

  22. 他要亲自负责保卫第三帝国首都。

    He would personally take over the defense of the capital of the Third Reich .

  23. 然而如果没有阿道夫·希特勒,那就几乎可以肯定不会有第三帝国。

    But without Adolf Hitler , there almost certainly would never have been a Third Reich .

  24. 在1945年德国战败,第三帝国灭亡的时候。

    I 'd say that in1945 , when the war was over and the Third Reich ended .

  25. 曾经所向披靡的第三帝国。

    The ever-invincible Third Reich .

  26. 德意志第三帝国会赢。

    Third Reich would win .

  27. 他们决定建立一个计划,来继续对第三帝国的梦想。

    They decided to establish a plan for continuing the dream of the Third Reich despite the war .

  28. 第三帝国的首脑们就这样把他们最后希望寄托在一根细丝上。

    On such a slender thread the leaders of the Third Reich began to pin . their last hopes .

  29. 那个同学躺在床上看一本书,叫做《第三帝国的兴亡》。

    The students lying on the bed to read a book , called " rise and fall of the Third Reich " .

  30. 他通过影片表达对“第三帝国”的历史反思、对德国现实的思考。

    Through his movies he expresses his reflections on the history of the " Third Reich " and the reality of the country .