
  1. 今年5月,ValueRetail在中国苏州建立了第一家购物中心。

    In May , Value Retail opened its first mall in China , in Suzhou .

  2. 当年,信孚银行(BankersTrust)向ValueRetail的第一座购物中心——英国的比斯特购物村(BicesterVillage)投资的时候,戈登伯格还在这家银行的房地产投资部门工作。1996年,他27岁的时候加入了这家公司。

    Goldenberg was working in real estate investment banking at Bankers Trust when the firm invested in Value Retail 's first shopping village , Bicester Village in the U.K. , and he joined the company in 1996 , at age 27 .

  3. K11的第一个购物中心2009年在香港开业。香港是它的创始人、主席郑志刚的故乡。

    K11 " s first mall opened in 2009 in Hong Kong , the hometown of its founder and chairman , Adrian Cheng .

  4. 成都凯丹广场是环达通房产在中国开发建设的第一个购物中心。

    Galleria Chengdu is GTC Real Estate 's first shopping mall in China .

  5. 第一个购物网站3月份在北京成立,新的现象已经开始流行了。

    The first group-purchase website in Beijing was set up in March , and the new phenomenon has caught on .

  6. 平均而言,你的顾客是第一次购物量很大,随后不断减少,还是正好相反呢?

    Does your average customer tend to buy a lot at first , and then the business tapers off , or does it work the other way around ?

  7. 与许多到这个中国南方新兴都市的旅行者一样,穿过边界罗湖贸易区后,我几乎错过了第一个购物场所,一个便宜的冒牌货商场。

    Like many tourists to this southern Chinese boomtown , I barely got past the first shopping mall after the border crossing , Luohu Commercial City , an emporium of counterfeit goods at bargain prices .

  8. 合资企业的计划项目之一,将是乐购在中国的第一家购物中心位于中国东北城市抚顺的50万平方英尺的零售、娱乐与住宅中心。

    One of the sites to be included in the joint venture will be Tesco 's first Chinese shopping centre development , a 500,000 sq ft retail , entertainment and residential centre at Fushan in the north-east of the country .

  9. 我和我的未婚夫都因为我们的第一个家购物而感到兴奋。

    My fianc é and I were excited about shopping for our first home .

  10. 我们不仅要见证Eleven第一次去购物中心,而且那里看起来至少会有一场大战。

    Not only will we get to witness Eleven 's first trip to the mall , but it appears as if there 's going to be at least one big battle there .

  11. 甚至第一次去购物时你会感到迷茫。

    You may even seem lost the first time you go shopping .

  12. 第一,网上购物很方便。

    First , it 's convenient for us to shop on line .

  13. 这已经不是梅根服装第一次引发购物狂潮了;

    It 's not the first time Meghan 's outfit has sparked a shopping frenzy ;

  14. 来自一个以礼仪著称的国度的我,对第一次去购物出现的尴尬局面毫无准备。

    Coming from a country known for good manners and etiquette , I certainly was not prepared for the embarrassment I experienced during my first shopping .

  15. 现在美国旧金山市正计划对购物袋收费。果真如此的话,旧金山也许会成为美国第一个花钱购买购物袋的城市。

    San Francisco may become the first city in the nation to charge shoppers for grocery bags .

  16. 一旦这些新的职业人士获得自己的首份工作(在新的写字楼里),他们就会购买自己的第一辆汽车和购物。

    Once these new professionals secure their first jobs ( in new office buildings ) , they buy their first cars and go shopping .

  17. 理论部分的第一大块提出旅游购物的概念、分类、特点、效益等,并从旅游商品、旅游购物场所和旅游者购物行为对旅游购物市场进行系统阐述,同时深入到市场机制中去发现问题;

    In the theories , on one hand , the conception , sorts , features and importance are advanced firstly , then explained tourist goods , shopping circumstance and behavior of tourists , and finding questions from the inside marketing .

  18. 她说道:“对于27岁的我所挣的薪水来说,这可是个大数目。我放弃的第一件事就是购物。尽管我没有购物成瘾,但是让一个姑娘不要去买化妆品和漂亮的衣物等,还是挺难的。”

    She said : ' It was a big ask on my 27-year-old salary . The first thing I gave up was shopping . Although it was never my addiction , it was hard as a woman not to spend money on make-up and beauty products .