
  • 网络osh
  1. 奥什附近的地区也有开展类似工作的计划。

    There are plans for similar work on stretches near Osh .

  2. 比如说,修建连通中国边境和奥什的一条长18公里的公路,中国最近投资了大约770万美元。

    For example , China recently spent about $ 7.7m to build an18km stretch of road from the Chinese border towards Osh .

  3. 系统专家、《了解系统,领导系统》(SeeingSystemsandLeadingSystems)一书的作者巴里•奥什里认为,这个问题有一个很简单的答案。

    According to systems expert Barry Oshry , author of seeing systems and leading systems , there is a simple answer to this question .

  4. AirVenture(飞来者大会)本周在威斯康辛州的奥什科什举行。

    AirVenture is taking place this week at an airport in Oshkosh , Wisconsin .

  5. 在这里,猫王的重型双引擎直升机,空中加油机炫耀的奥什科什人群的消防技能。

    Here , Elvis the heavy-duty , twin-engine helitanker shows off its firefighting skills for the Oshkosh crowd .

  6. 在首都比什凯克,美国大使馆发布一份声明,表示对奥什发生暴力事件的报道深感悲痛,并呼吁各方克制。

    The US embassy in Bishkek issued a statement saying it was deeply saddened by the reports of violence in Osh and appealed for restraint .

  7. 同时,吉尔吉斯斯坦安全力量仍然在南部奥什地区乌兹别克族社区进行安全肃清活动。种族冲突最早就是该地区爆发。

    Meantime , Kyrgyz security forces are continuing security sweeps in ethnic Uzbek neighborhoods in the southern city of Osh , where ethnic clashes first erupted .

  8. 当然,顾客也希望订单准备正确,在这一点上,奥什说,“准确度仍然很高。”

    Of course , consumers also want their orders prepared correctly and on that score , Oches says , " accuracy is still really high . "

  9. 同样的问题也可能威胁到奥什至喀什公路上一个计划中的新海关站点的效益,这条公路的大部分资金来自北京。

    Similar problems could threaten the gains from construction of a planned new customs post on the Osh-Kashgar road that is to be largely funded by Beijing .

  10. 在几周前举办的奥什科什航空展中,北京新创企业Yuneec国际公司展示了世界上第一架商用电动飞机--E430。

    At the OshKosh AirVenture show a few weeks ago , Beijing startup Yuneec International took the wraps off the world 's first commercially produced electric aircraft , the E430 .

  11. 推翻巴基耶夫后上台的临时政府宣布,南部的奥什州首府奥什和邻近的集镇乌兹根进入紧急状态。

    The interim government , which took power after the uprising , imposed a state of emergency in the city of Osh , the capital of the south , and uzgen , a nearby market town .

  12. 好消息是,换上一幅新的眼镜来观察和体会他人世界中的“先决条件”后,我们就有可能创建起奥什里所说的组织机构“核心圈”。

    The good news is that , with a new set of lenses that allow us to see into and experience the " pre-existing conditions " of others ' worlds , we have the possibility to create what Oshry calls " the center ring " of the organization .