
  • 网络President of Austria
  1. 奥地利总统访华吹响中奥经贸合作是主要议题。

    Economic cooperation tops Austrian president 's China tour agenda .

  2. 27岁的塞巴斯蒂安·库尔茨,是奥地利总统海因茨·菲舍尔在首都维也纳确认的12位部长之一。

    Aged 27 , Sebastian Kurz was one of 12 ministers confirmed by Austrian President Heinz Fischer in the capital Vienna .

  3. 奥地利总统海因茨•菲舍尔的礼物则似乎显得更有“品位”,他送给布什一套价值约1276美元的《莫扎特音乐全集》。

    In a more classical vein , Austrian President Heinz Fischer gave his US counterpart the " Mozart Complete Edition " & a massive set valued at1,276 dollars .

  4. 奥地利总统菲舍尔在一封贺信中称,“昆曲是世界上最古老的舞台剧之一”,他表示这将使奥地利人民有机会亲自领略到其独特的美感。

    In a congratulatory message , Austrian President Heinz Fischer called Kunqu Opera " one of the oldest theaters of the world ," saying Austrians will have the opportunity to appreciate its unique beauty .