
  • 网络Paper filler;paper making filler
  1. 镁铝水滑石用作造纸填料对AKD施胶效果的影响

    Impact of Mg-Al Hydrotalcite as Papermaking Filler on AKD Sizing

  2. 造纸填料表面改性及应用研究

    The Surface Modification of Paper Filler and Its Applying Research

  3. 造纸填料级碳酸钙的酸稳定改性

    Acid - Stabilization Modification of Calcium Carbonate Filler

  4. 介绍了滑石粉的特殊性质及其在造纸填料、功能性材料和涂布颜料方面的应用。

    The preparation methods of pigment pastes containing no casein are introduced in this paper .

  5. 造纸填料的类型及其特性

    Filler species and characteristics for papermaking

  6. 轻质碳酸钙是良好的造纸填料,通过改性可有效提高其留着率。

    Precipitated calcium carbonate is a good paper filler , the filler retention rate improve after modification .

  7. 矿物复合纤维作为造纸填料技术上可行,经济上合理。

    It is feasible in the technology and reasonable in the economy to take the mineral composition fiber as papermaking filler .

  8. 探讨了超细硅酸铝在造纸填料应用中替代钛白粉对纸张各项性能的影响。

    The feasibility of the ultra-fine aluminum silicate used as filler in papermaking instead of titanic oxide was investigated in this paper .

  9. 本文利用原子吸收光谱对轻质碳酸钙、高岭土、滑石粉、二氧化钛等常用造纸填料的元素组成进行分析。

    The profile of elements in light calcium carbonate , kaolin , talcum powder and titanium dioxide was analyzed by means of atomic-absorption spectrometer .

  10. 本文探索性地研究了硅藻土作为造纸填料的使用性能,发现其适合作为轻质印刷纸的填料来使用。

    It is tried to be explored as filler in papermaking in this paper , the results showed diatomite was suited for light printing paper .

  11. 通过加入特定的晶形控制剂,制得了适合造纸填料及颜料使用的菱形轻质碳酸钙。

    Through adding a special crystal-growing controlling agent , a light rhombic shaped calcium carbonate is produced to be used for paper filling and colouring .

  12. 晶须作为造纸填料,可使纸张的白度和不透明度提高,留着率比造纸常用填料轻质碳酸钙高;

    The crystal is applied to the papermaking that can raise whiteness and non-transparency , remains-proportion of the crystal is higher than the usual light calcium carbonate .

  13. 文章阐述了目前国际上出现的造纸填料级碳酸钙的主要酸稳定改性技术和适用场合,指出了相关研究及应用的重要意义。

    In this paper , the principal emerging acid-stabilization modification techniques of calcium carbonate filler were briefly reviewed , and the importance of relevant studies and application was discussed .

  14. 通过研究最终获得了高档级涂布原料、中档级涂布原料和造纸填料三种产品,并进行了产品应用试验和技术经济分析。

    Using the technique here presented , high and medium quality coating pigment and fillers for paper-making had been produced successfully . Some application tests on the products and economic analysis were also completed .

  15. 造纸废渣填料增强废弃聚乙烯基复合材料研究

    Study on waste sludge filler in papermaking process reinforced polyethylene waste composite

  16. 几种造纸常用填料对过氧化氢稳定性的影响

    Influence of Fillers on Stabilization of Hydrogen Peroxide

  17. 镁铝水滑石用作造纸功能填料及其相关湿部化学行为研究

    Study on Mg-Al Hydrotalcite Used as Papermaking Functional Filler and the Related Wet Chemical Behavior

  18. 常作为玻璃纤维、石棉和片状滑石粉的代用品或并用品广泛地应用于橡胶、塑料及造纸作为填料。

    It is widely used for succedaneum of glass fiber , asbestos and talc powder as filler in rubber , plastic material and paper industrial .

  19. 这一新材料还可以作为造纸的胶填料。

    This new material can used as a filler instead of minerals in papermaking .

  20. 主产品达到了造纸刮刀涂料的要求,并可得到造纸填料、日用陶瓷、玻璃原料等多种付产品,矿石的综合利用率高。

    The principal products are up to the demand of papermaking coating material , and multiple by-products such as papermaking filling , daily ceramics , raw material for glass , etc. are got out of them , the comprehensive utilization ratio of ore is high .

  21. 通过造纸滤水性试验发现,当将本品用量为0.05%加入造纸系统,填料留着率与目前普遍采用的两种试剂&阳离子淀粉和阳离子聚丙烯酰胺相比,数值都高。

    The filler retention are higher than cationic starch and cationic polyacrylamide when 0.05 % graft starch is added to the papermaking system .