
zào yì
  • attainments;prowess;pay a visit to
造诣 [zào yì]
  • (1) [attainments]∶学业、专门技术等达到的水平、境地

  • 酣醉便反,未尝有所造诣。--《晋书.陶潜传》

  • 咸素有高士志,造诣渐远,闲游终南山,乘月吟啸,至感慨泣下。--《新唐书.崔咸传》

  • 造诣极深

  • (2) [pay a visit to]∶前往拜访

  • 未尝有所造诣

造诣[zào yì]
  1. 能流利地讲英语是他的诸多造诣之一。

    The ability to speak fluent English is one of his many attainments .

  2. 他是在几个领域中都有很高造诣的人。

    He 's a man of great attainments in several fields .

  3. 在数学上他造诣很高,我是望尘莫及。

    He can beat me hollow at mathematics .

  4. 一个6岁的男孩有这样惊人的造诣,真是难能可贵!

    A six-year-old child with such an amazing attainment ! It is indeed something rare and deserving praise .

  5. 当你描述某国人的总体情况时,你所说的就是一个stereotype(模式化见解),比方说中国人在经济上很有造诣(嗯?

    A stereotype is when you say'general'things about people from a certain country .

  6. BobMartin是一名高级开发人员,他在面向对象和敏捷原则领域有很深的造诣。

    Bob Martin is a master developer who has a deep understanding of object-oriented and Agile principles .

  7. 托马斯·哈代(ThomasHardy,1840-1928)是英国一位横跨19、20两个世纪的造诣非凡的诗人以及杰出的现实主义作家。

    Thomas Hardy is an extraordinary poet and outstanding writer who lived across the nineteenth and twentieth century in Great Britain .

  8. 贾斯汀的英文造诣令我折服。n.脚后跟;

    I admire Justin for his proficiency in English . = I think highly ofjustin for his proficiency in English .

  9. 温斯顿邱吉尔(winstonchurchill)甚至“因为在历史与传记描写上的造诣,以及才华横溢的演讲”而荣获诺贝尔文学奖。

    Winston Churchill even won the Nobel Prize for literature " for his mastery of historical and biographical description as well as for brilliant oratory " .

  10. 王子,从乔治四世的手中接过了王位,过着花天酒地的生活,但仍不影响他的艺术造诣。他精心培育着他的Brighton宫。

    The prince , who took the throne as George IV , lived a high life of drinking and mistresses , but was also a cultured patron of the arts , who commissioned the elaborate and ornate Brighton Pavilion .

  11. 阿多诺(TheodorW.Adorno.1903-1969)是德国法兰克福学派的重要思想家,在哲学、美学、社会学、音乐学、文学批评等方面均有不俗造诣。

    Theodor W. Adorno ( 1903-1969 ) was a significant thinker of the German Frankfurt School of social theory . He was much established in many fields such as philosophy , aesthetics , sociology , musicology and literature studies .

  12. 除了文学创作,C.S.刘易斯毕生致力于研究文学、哲学、神学,尤其对中古及文艺复兴时期的英国文学造诣颇深,是二十世纪具有广泛影响的一个学者与作家。

    Apart from literary writing , C. S. Lewis devotes his whole life to researching in literature , philosophy and theology , especially in British literature of Medieval and the Renaissance periods , and he is followed by a lot of people for his widespread influence in 20th century .

  13. 难怪你在偏执症状上如此有造诣。

    No wonder you 're so well versed in control issues .

  14. 表明所能达到的成就或造诣的最高水平的。

    Representing a level of the highest possible achievement or attainment .

  15. 并与尼古拉斯·勒梅搭档,在炼金术上造诣颇深“!

    and his welcomed alchemy with his partner Nicholas Flamel " !

  16. 艺术名家在艺术上造诣很深的人。

    A person with masterly skill or technique in the arts .

  17. 博大精深的艺术造诣学贯中西的文化修养&析赵元任艺术歌曲创作特色

    Analysis on the features of Zhao yuan-ren 's composition of artistic songs

  18. 她的情趣,她的艺术和造诣对他都将毫无用处。

    Her taste , her arts and accomplishments were nothing to him .

  19. 他在音乐界颇有造诣。

    He 's a person of great stature in the music world .

  20. 对艺术家有时候甚至影响在当代艺术上的造诣。

    Sometimes even of the artist in contemporary artistic attainments .

  21. 两种文化在音乐和艺术史上都很有造诣。

    Both cultures are rich in music and art history .

  22. 现在他在这方面已经有了相当深的造诣。

    Now he has become quite accomplished in this field .

  23. 不要害怕因造诣深而产生的孤独感。

    Do not be afraid of the loneliness of enlightenment .

  24. 他在音乐上面的造诣很深。

    His achievements in the field of music are considerable .

  25. 他们在中文的造诣上相等。

    They are equally matched in their knowledge of Chinese .

  26. 他的热情和狂热让他的电子舞蹈音乐达到了极高的造诣。

    His enthusiasm and fervor thrives for good quality electronic dance music .

  27. 他在文学比较研究方面是一位造诣很深的学者。

    He is a very learned scholar in comparative study of literature .

  28. 看起来你对中国的绘画和书法造诣颇深。

    It seems you have profound knowledge in Chinese paintings and writings .

  29. 本文拟介绍孙先生在翻译方面的造诣。

    This paper attempts to introduce his contribution to translation .

  30. 现在还没有人知道她在高尔夫球上到底能有多大的造诣。

    There 's no telling how far she 's going to go now .