
zhēn jì
  • authentic work;authentic work (of painting or calligraphy)
真迹 [zhēn jì]
  • [authentic work (of painting or calligraphy)] 书画家本人的原作

  • 这一幅画是唐伯虎的真迹

真迹[zhēn jì]
  1. 这是齐白石的真迹。

    It is an authentic work of Qi baishi .

  2. 能看到郑板桥的真迹我们太有眼福了。

    We are so lucky to be able to see an authentic work of his .

  3. 连行家都误以为这幅画是凡∙高的真迹。

    Even the experts took the painting for a genuine Van Gogh .

  4. 我应当指出,这些画中没有一幅是真迹。

    I should point out that not one of these paintings is original .

  5. 这幅画是毕加索的真迹吗?

    Is the painting a genuine Picasso ?

  6. 这幅画是凡·高的真迹还是赝品,需由专家来鉴定。

    An expert was needed to authenticate the original Van Gogh painting from his imitation .

  7. 这幅画是宋人的真迹。

    This is an authentic song painting .

  8. 联邦调查局与档案馆密切合作,最终确定该信件为真迹,并且肯定为史密森学会所有。

    The FBI worked closely with the Archives to determine that the letter was both authentic and definitely Smithsonian 's property .

  9. 真正的反:false,spurious,fictitious,你提款时,银行会拿你的签名与其档案里的做比较,以查对是不是真迹。

    When you withdraw money , the bank compares your signature with the one in its files to see if it is authentic .

  10. 伦敦MishcondeReya律师事务所艺术法部门的主管凯伦·萨尼格(KarenSanig)说,此案的重点并不在于那幅油画究竟是不是卡拉瓦乔的真迹。

    Karen Sanig , the head of art law at Mishcon de Reya in London , said the crux of the case wasn 't whether the painting was a Caravaggio or not .

  11. 这个卖家据信可能是位名叫G·弗农先生的人,他通过住在明尼阿波利斯的艺术品商人汉密尔顿先生推销他的商品;在亚马逊上又与历史悠久的名家真迹企业EdBedrickAutographs合作。

    The seller is thought to be a Mr G Vernon , who is advertising his product via Mr Hamilton , an art dealer who lives in Minneapolis , and on Amazon with Ed Bedrick Autographs , a long-standing autographs business .

  12. 蒂莫西·克利福德(TimothyClifford)于1984年到2006年担任苏格兰国家艺术馆馆长,2007年出任迪金森的顾问,2009年10月,他在《伦敦泰晤士报》上发表文章,认为这幅画是列奥纳多的真迹。

    Timothy Clifford , a director of the National Galleries of Scotland from 1984 to 2006 who joined Dickinson as an adviser in 2007 , declared the drawing a genuine Leonardo in an article in The Times of London in October 2009 .

  13. 它也由此进入了300多幅伦勃朗存世真迹的行列。

    It is one of more than 300 surviving Rembrandt paintings .

  14. 我不知道这幅画是不是真迹。

    I don 't know if the painting is authentic .

  15. 这幅国画只是一副摹本,不是真迹。

    This traditional Chinese painting is just a copy , not original .

  16. 如果画家在画上签了名,这幅画必定是真迹。

    If the artist signed the painting , it must be genuine .

  17. 你怎么判定这幅画是真迹呢?

    How do you determine whether the painting 's authentic ?

  18. 那幅不知名古代画家的真迹使我惊讶不止。

    The original picture of the unknown ancient painter took my breath away .

  19. 这幅才是唐伯虎的真迹,皇爷。

    This is the painting by Tong Pak Fu .

  20. 由专家确认该画是否为真迹。

    Experts vouch for the painting 's authenticity .

  21. 这幅画是不是真迹值得怀疑。

    The painting is of doubtful authenticity .

  22. 这个风景很美。我想知道这是真迹还是印刷品。

    This landscape is lovely . I wonder if it 's original or a print .

  23. 但秦少游书法真迹并不多见,秦少游也未在书法史上留下很大名声。

    Also Qin Shao You did not leave a great reputation in the history of calligraphy .

  24. 这幅画无疑是真迹。

    The painting is undoubtedly authentic .

  25. 只有专家才知道一件艺术作品是真迹还是赝品。

    Only an expert knows whether a piece of artistic work is genuine or a forgery .

  26. 那是毕加索的真迹吗?

    Is that Picasso an original ?

  27. 这副国画是真迹吗?

    Is this Chinese painting authentic ?

  28. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,米开朗基罗的真迹《圣母怜子》日前在美国纽约市郊的一户人家中被意外发现。

    Michelangelo 's painting'Pieta'was found with a suburban family in New York , the Daily Mail reported .

  29. 即使站在真迹面前,我也感受不到新鲜。

    Even when I was standing among the originals , the freshness of his work evaded me .

  30. 但她有一个问题:她不是很确定这是否为真迹。

    But she 's got a problem : she 's not absolutely certain it 's an original .