
zhēn dì
  • true meaning;truth;true essence
真谛 [zhēn dì]
  • [truth] 真切的理论和精义;奥妙所在

  • 要弄清其中的真谛实非易事

真谛[zhēn dì]
  1. 深化内涵认识,保护传统的真谛;

    Deepen the knowing of intension , protect traditional true essence ;

  2. 他从自然中获得了艺术的真谛。

    He realized the true essence of art from nature .

  3. 我所经历的痛苦让我突然一下子清楚地领悟到了生活的真谛。

    The miseries I went through made me suddenly realise with a blinding flash what life was all about .

  4. 从进入大学开始,这些年轻人开始读深刻的文学作品,收听大学电台,并且寻找生命的真谛,而与此同时,内心深处却比懵懂的16岁那会儿还要困惑。

    Usually beginning when one enters college , these young persons read deep literature , listen to college radio , and search for the meaning of life , all the while secretly becoming even more confused than when they were lame 16 year-olds .

  5. 去年12月,他在香港参加亚洲最具影响力设计大奖(DesignforAsiaAwards)颁奖礼时说,诚品书店是一种文化现象,它的真谛在于人、地域和文化。

    ' Eslite is a cultural phenomenon , ' he said in Hong Kong at the Design for Asia Awards last December . ' It 's all about the people , the place , the culture . '

  6. 正如MMT网站所言:有时,最不经意的日常际遇,会让我们停下来重新思考生活的真谛,重新看待根深蒂固的观念。

    As stated on the MMT site , sometimes the most random everyday encounters force us to stop and rethink the truths and perceptions we have ingrained in our minds .

  7. 某一天,我带她们回storvassdal时,希望她们能够领会到小船的真谛自立。

    On the day I took them to storvassdal , I hoped they would somehow understand the importance of the little boat and its simple message of self-reliance .

  8. 全面把握艺术的原点和艺术教育的真谛

    A Thorough Understanding of the Nature of Art and Its Education

  9. 奉献自己给神就是敬拜的真谛。

    Offering yourself to God is what worship is all about .

  10. 11.你将发现信仰的真谛。

    11 . You will discover the true meaning of faith .

  11. 宗教思想家也许想重新解释生活的真谛。

    Religious thinkers may work out a new interpretation of life .

  12. 智慧加上人格,这才是教育的真谛。

    Intelligence plus character that is the goal of true education .

  13. 个性化服务&高校图书馆创新服务的真谛

    Personalized Service & The Essence of Innovated Service of University Library

  14. 因而他更珍惜亲情、友情、爱情这些世间美好的情感,并积极的探索人生的价值与生命的真谛。

    He began to explore the value of life actively .

  15. 我有很多时间来思考人生真谛。

    I had time to think about what 's important .

  16. 历经多年人生如梦,最后终于领悟生命的真谛。

    Dreaming all these years , finally the right decision .

  17. 探索多组分体系高分子相变复杂性的真谛

    Explore the Complexity of Polymer Phase Transitions in Multi-component Systems

  18. 法乌司密斯文化期工艺现代法治社会的真谛是司法独立。

    The true meaning of the modern law society is judiciary independence .

  19. 或许真谛在于为他人着想。

    Maybe what it 's all about is thinking about someone else .

  20. 我渐渐领悟了爱的真谛理解普通生活的真谛

    I Came to Understand Love To share the texture of daily life

  21. 这些故事充满了日常生活的真谛。

    These stories were full of true meaning of life .

  22. 很多人都说人生的真谛是个未知的观念。

    It is said that the true nature of being is veiled .

  23. 我带来的是圣诞节的真谛。

    I carry with me the true meaning of christmas .

  24. 当然不是。因为他没有理解到爱情和婚姻的真谛。

    He did not understand the true meaning of love and marriage .

  25. 而今我懂得真爱的真谛。

    But now I know the meaning of true love .

  26. 表达生活真谛的一种普通说法。

    A common way to express a truth about life .

  27. 这就是真谛,中国足球梦想成为世界冠军!

    This is a Championship not a dream ! O.K ?

  28. 问苍茫大地,是否知道爱之真谛?

    Fuzzy Asked whether the boundless love truth , know ?

  29. 亲爱的那才是真爱的真谛

    That 's the thing about true love , dearie .

  30. 谢谢你作为朋友陪伴着我,教我懂得了爱的真谛;

    Thank you for being my friend and being around ;