
  • 网络Secrets of Women;Women"Secret;WomenSecret;Women Secret
  1. 伊福说:手袋是一个女人的秘密抽屉,她试图解释自己的这种痴迷(这难以解释,但对我们大多数人而言,又是可以理解的)。

    The bag is the secret drawer of a woman , says Ivo , in an attempt to explain her ( sort of inexplicable , but equally understandable , for most of us ) obsession .

  2. 我们的故事讲述之后流传开来,但我从未忘记那个红衣女人的秘密。后来,当我开始怀疑地面上的世界,记忆中这次鲜明而又惟一的邂逅就提醒我,这不是一个神话。

    But I never forgot that secret of the redcoated woman , and later , when I began to doubt the world above , the memory of that bright and lonely meeting reminded me that it was no myth .

  3. 我想要在女人们的秘密社团里变得受到欢迎。

    I wanna be welcomed into the secret society of women .

  4. 根据BarbaraG.Walker,《女人的神话和秘密百科全书》:在基督教开始阶段,所有的救星被崇拜前,奥西里斯的概念可能超过其他任何事物更促成耶稣概念的形成。

    Of all savior-gods worshipped at the beginning of the Christian era , Osiris may have contributed more details to the evolving Christ figure than any other .

  5. 你猜怎么着,令女人性感迷人的秘密就在这里。

    Well guess what , the secret that makes a woman sexy is out here .

  6. 他们要他在众人当场路听的情况下,来盘诘那个女人灵魂中的秘密&而她的灵魂虽然受到玷污,依然神圣不可侵犯。

    Wilson and the Governor had introduced so openly to the public notice , bidding him speak , in the hearing of all men , to that mystery of a woman 's soul , so sacred even in its pollution .

  7. 女人能保守的唯一秘密是她的年龄。

    The only secret a woman can keep is that of her age .