
fó sì
  • Buddhist temple
佛寺 [fó sì]
  • [temples of Buddism] 佛门的寺院

  1. 今天勐景来的这座佛寺可真够热闹的!

    What a bustling scene at this Buddhist temple in Mengjinglai !

  2. 这座塔属于曼听佛寺。

    This pagoda is part of the Manting Buddhist Temple .

  3. 他是个退休教师,同时也兼任佛寺里的主持。

    He a retired teacher and a part-time Buddhist priest .

  4. GPS在大佛寺煤矿三井贯通中的应用

    Application of GPS in the breakthrough survey of Dafo Temple Mine

  5. 香港万佛寺旁边的一家店里甚至有纸做的麦当劳超值套餐卖,套餐里有薯条、饮料和一包叫做“ChickenMuNeggtc”(“麦乐鸡”的错误拼写。——译注)的东西。

    One store , next to Hong Kong 's Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery , even sells paper replicas of McDonald 's value meals , complete with fries , soda and a package of something called " Chicken MuNeggtc . "

  6. 今年8月,AquaExpeditions公司将引进含20间套房的AquaMekong号,提供有导游带领的河岸旅行,游客可乘坐小艇,观赏佛寺、渔村与种类繁多的野生动植物。—

    Next August , Aqua Expeditions will introduce the 20-suite Aqua Mekong , offering guide-led shore excursions to temples , villages and wildlife-rich areas via skiffs . -

  7. 您什么时候参观玉佛寺?

    When would you like to visit the Jade Buddha Temple ?

  8. 你想去参观卧佛寺吗?

    Do you fancy visiting the temple of the sleeping buddha ?

  9. 石膏山佛寺建筑维修保护及复原规划设计

    Maintenance , protection and restoration design of temple architecture in Shigao Mountain

  10. 那这总佛寺不就相当于师范学院了嘛。

    Is the Vat Bajay Monastery tantamount to a teachers'college ?

  11. 佛寺园林是中国园林史上的一朵奇葩。

    Temple garden is a theme in the history of Chinese garden .

  12. 大佛寺煤矿矿井水混凝处理的实验研究

    Research on Coagulation Treatment of Mine Water in Da Fo Si Mine

  13. 他们在离开科伦坡前参观了一座佛寺。

    Before departing colombo , they visited a Buddhist temple .

  14. 一座佛寺矗立在城市的中央。

    A Buddhist temple stands proud in the middle of the city .

  15. 佛寺的兴隆带来了佛寺园林这种新型园林形式的兴起。

    The booming of Buddhist Temple brought the emergence of temple gardens .

  16. 谈佛寺建筑类型及其在中国的发展

    The types and development of the buddhist monastery in China

  17. 我们要做一期关于西双版纳佛寺的节目。

    We 're going to make a TV presentation on Xishuang Banna .

  18. 佛寺教育和学校教育有着并存的必然性。

    Both the temple education and school education have the necessity of co-existence .

  19. 玉佛寺里有两尊玉佛。

    In the Jade Buddha Temple are two jade sculptures of the Buddha .

  20. 玉佛寺有什么特色?

    What is special about the jade Buddha Temple ?

  21. 辽代佛寺建筑大木作构造分析

    Analysis on the carpentry work of Liao temple buildings

  22. 大佛寺站和台基厂站不停车。

    We don 't stop at Dafosi and taijichang .

  23. 佛寺作为纯粹的观光目的地有较长的历史。

    Buddhist temples in China do enjoy long history as the pure sight-seeing destinations .

  24. 在课程的时间,延长他的佛寺院制度,包括妇女。

    In course of time , Buddha extended his monastic system to include women .

  25. 论佛寺园林空间构成&以普陀山普济寺、法雨寺、慧济寺三大寺为例

    Analysis on Space Construction at Gardens of Temples

  26. 大佛寺被视作超村落联合的某种象征。

    The Giant Buddha temple is considered as the symbol of exceeding villages union .

  27. 其实傣族佛寺还要种六种花。

    And in the Dai monasteries , there are also six kinds of flowers .

  28. 南北朝佛寺题咏诗初探

    A Preliminary Investigation on Poems Singing about Buddhist Temples in the Northern and Southern Dynasties

  29. 西双版纳傣族佛寺植物景观分析

    Analysis on Plant Landscape of Buddhist Temples of Dai Ethnic Minority in Xishuangbanna , China

  30. 火山、佛寺、神庙,而今是旅人驻足的地方。

    A volcano , a temple , a shrine and now a place to stay .