
fó yǔ
  • Buddhist term
  1. 我觉得在这点上,佛语就有阐明。

    I think at this point , the statement of the Buddha comes in .

  2. 借用佛语,他们在艺术的路途上修行体验。

    As Buddhism says , they are having the spiritual practice and experience on the way of art .

  3. 若借佛语,可称之为“妙胜义”、“三昧”、“究竟”、“无上上等慧”,是天人合一的一种高级精神境界。

    In Buddha 's terms , it implies " subtlety superior to definition "," knack "," outcome " and " supreme wisdom ", and it is the highest spiritual realm of the harmony between nature and man .

  4. 就内容而言,既述治家之法、处世之道,又对南北风俗、士人好尚、佛语玄谈、治学作文方法、音韵字训、典故考证、文艺品第等都有独到的著述。

    As regards content , not only have it already stated the imperative of managing a household ways to conduct oneself in society , but also the peculiar illustrations of the customs to north and south , scholarship , Buddhism , literati , phonology , literary quotation and articles .