
  • 网络nama-kaya
  1. “我清楚地记得我在高中时读了《我知道笼中鸟为何歌唱》这本书。”一名身为英语教授的母亲发表推文表示,“它的感觉与我读过的书完全不同。”NPR新闻,汉娜·索莫斯报道。

    I have such a vivid memory of reading I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings in the high school . A mother and English professor tweeted . " It was like nothing I had read before or since . " Hannah Sommers , NPR News .

  2. 即便是一名身为特权阶层的白人精英,也会因这种境遇而备受折磨;可想而知,对于普通人而言,他们没有前者的那些优势,却要面对令人极度紧张的情形,这种效应的威力会更大。

    If even a white , privileged elite suffer under this treatment wemight expect even larger effects for people who don 't walk into high-pressuresituations with those advantages .

  3. 妙敏觉说,在为一名身在泰国的美国客户建立网站时,他花了七小时才完成一项上传任务&这个过程在其他国家可能只需几分钟。

    Mr. Kyaw said the start of a website for an American client based in Thailand involved an upload that took seven hours & a process that would have taken just minutes elsewhere .

  4. 妙敏觉说,在为一名身在泰国的美国客户建立网站时,他花了七小时才完成一项上传任务——这个过程在其他国家可能只需几分钟。

    Mr. Kyaw said the start of a website for an American client based in Thailand involved an upload that took seven hours - a process that would have taken just minutes elsewhere .

  5. 作为一名身在职场的妈妈,她不仅写出了为她赢得奖项的有关危机的评论,还著有一本剖析全球信贷市场紧缩原因的书。

    A working mother , she has not only produced award-winning commentary on the crisis but has also written a book about the events that led to the world 's credit markets seizing up .

  6. 现年23岁的他是一名身在北方联盟领地中的商人,经常开着他的丰田小型载货卡车,到靠近多拿马村的前线那里,载上诸如糖、人造黄油、大米和茶之类的货物。

    A23-year-old trader in Northern Alliance territory who takes his white Toyota pickup truck down to the front lines near the village of Dornoma and loads up on sugar , margarine , rice and tea .

  7. 针对PC-815的研究将于今年6月在多尼米加共和国开展,首先是在50名参与者身上进行安全性试验,目前该试验正在等待政府批准。

    Research into PC-815 will begin with safety testing on50 participants in June this year in the Dominican Republic , pending government approval .

  8. 其中的一种名为rotateq的疫苗在6.8万名儿童身上进行了试验,这些儿童来自包括哥斯达黎加、危地马拉、牙买加和墨西哥等拉美国家,以及七个发达国家。

    The rotateq vaccine , for example , was tested on68,000 children from Costa Rica Guatemala Jamaica and Mexico as well as seven other countries in the developed world .

  9. 惠兰表示,这名患者身上还有很多弹药。

    Whelan says that the patient had more ammunition on him .

  10. 葛兰素史克公司在撒哈拉以南非洲的6000名婴儿身上测试了这种疫苗。

    GSK tested the vaccine in 6000 infants across sub-Saharan Africa .

  11. 研究人员从尼泊尔3家卫生中心的749名伤者身上提取了伤口样本。

    Researchers collected samples from fang wounds from 749 people at three health centers in Nepal .

  12. 本月,325卡姆拉宣布了该机构配对成功的第一对——一名韩国生身母亲和一位身在美国的被领养人。

    This month , 325Kamra announced its firstmatch between a Korean birth mother and an American adoptee .

  13. 这些病毒是在三名患者身上发现的,患者病情不严重,都已康复。

    These viruses were found in three patients who did not have severe disease and all have recovered .

  14. 希腊队仅有的几次射门被韩国队封堵,在耶卡斯踢出的球打在韩国队一名后卫身上后,希腊队全力请求裁判判罚点球。

    Greece mustered only a couple of blocked shots and appealed desperately for a late penalty when Gekas'shot hit a defender .

  15. 进一步的分析推断出,这名男子身上的癌细胞最初存在于这种寄生虫内,然后通过他的身体进行了转移。

    Further analysis concluded that the cancer cells had originated in the parasite and then metastasized through the man 's body .

  16. 补习教师一般从每名学生身上获得佣金,视频技术的采用使得他们能够扩大影响范围。

    Tutors are typically paid commission per student and the use of video technology has allowed them to expand their reach .

  17. 当我写这本书的时候职棒里最富的球队纽约洋基队在它的25名球员身上花费约1.2亿美元

    When I wrote my book the richest team the New York Yankees , was then spending about $ 120 million on its 25 players

  18. 他们还表示,疫苗已在3.1万名志愿者身上进行了测试,其中1000名患有慢性病,接种后未出现并发症。

    They also say the vaccine has been tested on 31 thousand volunteers , including one thousand chronic diseases , and no complications have occurred after vaccination .

  19. 当我写这本书的时候,职棒里最富的球队,纽约洋基队,在它的25名球员身上花费约1.2亿美元。

    When I wrote my book the richest team in professional baseball , the New York Yankees , was then spending about $ 120 million on its 25 players .

  20. 机上饮料费成为点菜式战略的象征,许多航空公司采用这种战略,以求在将基本票价保持在低位的同时,从每一名乘客身上得到更多营业收入。

    Onboard beverage fees became emblematic of the a la carte strategy many carriers adopted to help squeeze more revenue from each passenger while keeping base ticket prices low .

  21. 新年前夜,美国纽约发生电梯意外,一名男子身困突然下坠的电梯并被夹身亡。而目击者称,他在死前帮助一名女性摆脱危险。

    A falling elevator trapped and crushed a man to death on New Year 's Eve , and witnesses said he helped a woman to safety before losing his own life .

  22. 当他们走近时,每扇门外都有一名卫兵肃身立正。

    Outside each door a guard sprang to attention as they approached

  23. 研究人员从250名新医生身上提取了DNA样本,这些医生都是在他们第一个实习年度的开始和结束时进行的。

    The researchers took DNA samples from 250 new doctors at the start and end of their first intern year .

  24. 两年后,悲剧再次发生在上百名巴基斯坦学生身上。

    Two years later , Yousafzai is tragically joined by hundreds more .

  25. 一根横梁砸在两名消防队员身上,把他们压死了。

    Two of the firefighters were crushed to death when a beam fell on them .

  26. 一名州骑警身中七枪。

    One state trooper , seven wounded .

  27. 加尔各答,一名印度女孩身上涂着颜料正在观看胡里节表演。

    A young girl smeared in colored powder looks on as festivities continue in Calcutta .

  28. 这些病毒是从该国最早两例大流行性流感死亡病例和一名重症患者身上分离出来的。

    The viruses were isolated from the first two fatal cases of pandemic influenza in the country and one patient with severe illness .

  29. 在历史漏斗的窄颈中,世代以来的预测、期盼和梦想全汇聚到这名小男孩身上。

    In the narrow neck of the funnel of history all the predictions , hopes , and dreams of generations came together in one small boy .

  30. 上帝的名在他们身上,祂向他们显明自己的荣耀(在基督里的荣耀),祂以自己的面光光照他们。

    His name is upon them , his glory is manifested to them ( in Jesus Christ ) and he makes his face to shine upon them .