
mínɡ chú
  • famous chef
  1. 这个词的兴起与英国的国际名厨奥利弗和高登·兰西在英国电视厨艺节目的广泛流行有关,在这类节目的启发和影响下,越来越多的男性把烹饪当作其最大的兴趣爱好,而奥利弗和兰西也成为了“性感美食家”的代表。

    The rise of the word is related to the rise of iconic celebrity3 chefs like Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay whose British TV series are hugely popular and inspirational for a growing number of men to see cooking as a great hobby , making Oliver and Ramsay great role models for gastrosexuals .

  2. 国际名厨JamieOliver是否在此地开张了自己的意大利餐馆Jamie'sItalian?

    Check . International celebrity chefs including Jamie Oliver , whose Italian spot Jamie 's Italian recently opened ?

  3. 法国名厨PaulPairet在上海开设的创意法国菜餐厅Mr.&Mrs.Bund2013年排在第43位,2014年却未能上榜。

    Mr. & Mrs. Bund , a French restaurant headed by Paul Pairet in Shanghai , was No. 43 in 2013 , but didn 't make the 2014 list .

  4. 来自哥本哈根知名餐厅Noma的名厨安东尼•伯尔顿和雷内•雷哲皮与张大卫称兄道弟。

    He pals around with Anthony Bourdain and Rene redzepi of the renowned noma in Copenhagen .

  5. TheClink餐厅的服务人员是来自加的夫(Cardiff)和普莱斯各(Prescoed)的监狱的囚犯。这家监狱餐厅打败了包括戈登•拉姆齐(GordonRamsay)和杰米·奥利弗(JamieOliver)等名厨经营的餐厅,夺得了榜单的第十名。

    The Clink Restaurant , staffed by inmates from Cardiff and Prescoed prisons , beat establishments run by celebrity chefs including Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver to take 10th place .

  6. 英国美食风景线延伸到了伦敦之外,名厨西蒙·洛根(SimonRogan)功不可没,在他的帮助下,湖区(LakeDistrict)的卡特梅尔小村摇身一变,成了英格兰最出人意料的美食胜地。

    The British dining scene is expanding beyond London , and the chef Simon Rogan deserves much of the credit , having helped elevate the Lake District village of Cartmel into one of England 's most unlikely culinary destinations .

  7. 这间拥有数十年历史的机构,由葡萄牙名厨何塞·阿维列兹(JoséAvillez)在2012年重新开张,现已拥有米其林两星级评级,是里斯本唯一享有这一荣誉的餐厅。

    The decades-old institution was reopened in 2012 by the Portuguese celebrity chef Jos é Avillez and already has two Michelin stars , the only restaurant in Lisbon with that honor .

  8. 她要吃皮塔饼和鹰嘴豆泥,我就把面包切成完美的三角形,从她的柜橱找出精致的小碗,小心翼翼盛上三种蘸酱,就像托马斯·凯勒(ThomasKeller,美国名厨——译注)在身边监视。

    When she asked for a pita and hummus , I cut the bread into perfect little triangles , found elegant small bowls in her cupboards , and carefully quenelled three dipping options , as if Thomas Keller were watching over my shoulder .

  9. 英国航空公司此前与伦敦名厨赫斯顿?布拉门斯(HestonBlumenthal)展开了合作,这位名厨是诸多科技型菜品的实践者,并且是蜗牛粥等美味佳肴的发明者。

    British Airways had previously worked with Heston Blumenthal , a famous London chef , known as a practitioner of scientifically engineered dishes and creator of delicacies like snail porridge .

  10. 日本名厨成泽由浩(YoshihiroNarisawa)掌舵的Narisawa餐厅分别于2012和2013年连续蝉联亚洲最佳餐厅。

    Narisawa , led by Yoshihiro Narisawa , was the top-ranked Asian restaurant on the list in 2012 and 2013 .

  11. 于此同时,名厨沃尔夫冈帕克,专给权贵做饭,在贝弗利山庄的Cut的自家餐厅,经常给PoshandBecks做饭,之前也揭露了明星的饮食喜好。

    Meanwhile , celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck , who cooks for the rich and famous , and has regularly dished up grub for Posh and Becks at his restaurant Cut in Beverly Hills , also previously opened up about the star 's eating habits .

  12. 除了需要名厨掌舵的餐厅和普拉达(Prada)专卖店外,那些曾经风靡一时的高端度假胜地发现,为了捕到“大鱼”,自身还需要在税务政策、房地产法规和一系列有利于商业的举措上做出调整。

    Beyond the need for celebrity chef restaurants and Prada boutiques , once-popular high-end resorts are discovering that it also takes a special cocktail of tax policies , real-estate laws and a host of business-friendly steps to reel in the big fish .

  13. 这个迷你版的玛莎·斯图尔特(美国女性财富人物)名叫查莉,她用不到3年的时间就把自己的人气频道《查莉奇巧厨房》做成了YouTube上最大的美食频道,完败名厨杰米·奥利弗这样的品牌,名利双收。

    The mini-Martha Stewart , who is known simply as Charli , has turned her popular channel , CharlisCraftyKitchen into YouTube 's largest food channel in less than three years - beating household names such as celebrity chef Jamie Oliver to claim the prestigious - and lucrative - title .

  14. 墨西哥名厨恩里克・奥尔韦拉(EnriqueOlvera)于13年前开办了自己的餐厅――Pujol,他说他当时唯一的目标就是做出“货真价实、美味可口的食物”,打造“全社区最棒的餐厅”。

    WHEN CHEF ENRIQUE OLVERA OPENED his restaurant , Pujol , 13 years ago , his only goal was to serve ' solid , tasty food ' and be ' the best restaurant in the neighborhood , ' he says .

  15. 饭店充满张力的两层空间以秋天色调为主的装修,设计师来自JouinManku的事务所,而巴黎AlainDucasse饭店的设计师也来自这家。菜单由名厨马克·哈伊伯林(MarcHaeberlin)监督打造——此人在城南还拥有一家米其林三星饭店AubergedeL’Ill。

    The dramatic two-level space was decorated in autumnal colors by the Jouin Manku firm - known for designing restaurants for Alain Ducasse - while the menu was overseen by the chef Marc Haeberlin , whose Auberge de L'Ill restaurant to the south has three Michelin stars .

  16. 1999年,法国禁止餐厅将这个遭受过度捕猎的物种列入菜单,如今,居埃赫和其他三位享誉法国西南部的名厨——阿兰·杜卡斯(AlainDucasse)、让·库索(JeanCoussau)和阿兰·杜都尔涅(AlainDutournier)——却在筹划让它重返公众视野。

    Now , Mr. Gu é rard and three other celebrity chefs who hail from southwest France - Alain Ducasse , Jean Coussau and Alain Dutournier - are trying to engineer a public comeback for the ortolan , an overhunted species that France banished from restaurant menus in 1999 .

  17. 活力四射的美食风景线吸引了国际客户与许多名厨从更大的城市来到这里。

    The dynamic food scene draws an international clientele and chefs from bigger cities .

  18. 综上所述,敬业名厨是餐饮业发展的潜力和动力。

    To sum up , dedicated chef is the restaurant industry development potential and power .

  19. 就连阿兰?杜卡斯和希恩-乔治四?沃格里腾这样的名厨也开起了小葡萄酒馆或拉面馆。

    Even celebrity chefs such as Alain Ducasse and Jean-Georges Vongerichten opened bistros or noodle shops .

  20. 周大文是既有烹饪理论又有精湛技艺的一代名厨。

    As a master hand , Zhou has been devoted to putting cuisine theory into practice .

  21. 加入吉尔埃文斯一起甜蜜的现实表明,在蛋糕工坊名厨!

    Join Jill Evans along with a sweet reality show , in Cake Mania Celebrity chef !

  22. 最资深的餐饮名厨,最丰富的圣诞美食,就在宴会厅国际自助晚宴。

    At Ballroom , renowned senior chefs have prepared various Christmas delicious food for international buffet dinner .

  23. 其他书名50位世界名厨的最后晚餐。

    My last super : 50 great chefs and their final meals : portraits , interviews , and recipes .

  24. 和平扒房供应正宗法国西菜,由法国名厨主理。

    The peace grill serves a perfect combinationg of French cuisine , which is presented by our French chef .

  25. 获星还意味着那些像法国名厨那样热衷烹饪的人们的自我实现;

    Earning stars is also a matter of self-fulfillment for people as passionate about food as France 's great chefs ;

  26. 一位法国名厨受邀帮忙长期在太空旅行的太空人设计食物。

    A leading French chef has been asked to help create space food for astronauts on long-term voyages in space .

  27. 为什么法国人对名厨之死那么悲哀,对名厨心怀那么多的感激?

    Why so much sadness and gratitude ? Top chefs are considered artists and receive the admiration due to artists .

  28. 最近为英国首相戴维•卡梅伦准备的午宴我们请来了名厨爱普瑞尔•布罗姆菲尔德。

    For our latest luncheon with UK Prime Minister David Cameron , we brought in April Bloomfield as a celebrity chef .

  29. 名厨何塞•安德烈斯为这次展览项目提供了建议,还在档案馆附近新开了一家餐厅来为展会助兴。

    Celebrity Chef Jose Andres advised on the project and is creating a new restaurant near the Archives to accompany the exhibit .

  30. 双子座出生的这些人几乎占富人群体的十分之一,其中有著名歌手保罗·麦卡特尼、爵士歌手汤姆·琼斯和名厨杰米·奥利弗。

    They represent nearly one in ten of our wealthiest and include Sir Paul McCartney , Sir Tom Jones and Jamie Oliver .