
  1. 茯苓饼是一种宫廷点心。

    Tuckahoe Pie was originally a palace snack .

  2. 茯苓饼的面皮是用茯苓粉和精致面粉做成的。

    The crust of Tuckahoe Pie is made of Tuckahoe powders and refined flour .

  3. 茯苓饼不仅营养丰富而且很美味,富含蛋白质和多种人体所需的维生素。

    Highly nutritious and tasty , it contains the protein and various vitamins for human body .

  4. 以后,她就经常把茯苓饼赏给那些王公大臣。

    Later , she often granted the pie to the ministers of the palace as a reward .

  5. 结果茯苓饼就成了很有名的宫廷小吃,并且它的价格也随之涨了好几倍。

    As a result , Tuckahoe Pie became a famous palace snack with its price increased by many times .

  6. 如今的北京茯苓饼主要是根据日后清皇宫御膳房的食谱制作的,并且所用材料和制作过程都经过了不断地改良。

    The present-day Beijing Tuckahoe Pie is made by succeeding the traditional recipe of the imperial kitchen of the Qing Dynasty and constantly improving the ingredients and the processing .