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mínɡ huì
  • Name taboo;name of one's elders and betters or of a respected person
名讳 [míng huì]
  • [name for the respected people] 古代指应该避讳的师、长之名

  1. 大凡好剑都有自己的名讳。

    All the best swords have names , you know .

  2. 许多“留名者”只是想让其名讳被看到而已。

    Many taggers merely want to have their name seen .

  3. 这场努力被称为“同治中兴”,它取自同治皇帝(1862——1874)的名讳,并由这位年轻帝王的母亲,慈禧太后(1835——1908)设计指导。

    The effort was known as the Tongzhi Restoration , named for the Tongzhi Emperor ( 1862 - 1874 ) , and was engineered by the young emperors mother , the Empress Dowager Ci Xi ( 1835 - 1908 ) .