
é wù
  • corruption;error;error in text
讹误 [é wù]
  • [error in text] 字句上的疏漏差误

讹误[é wù]
  1. 澄清傣族早期历史研究中的一个讹误&达光王国真相还原

    Clarifies an Error in the Early Time History Research on Dai Nationality & the Truth of " Daguang Kingdom "

  2. 国际泰学研究领域的又一个讹误&缅甸历史上的掸族三兄弟与掸族统治时代神话探析

    An Error in the Area of International Tai Studies : A Re-analysis of the Myth of " Three Shan Brothers " and the " Shan Dominion Period " in the History of Burma

  3. 对其异文进行分类研究,首先可以为两个版本纠正讹误。

    Classifying its derivatives research , first it can corrects errors .

  4. 文字讹误。论文学翻译中的讹误

    Errors of Chinese characters . On the Errors in Literary Translation

  5. 但现在的四种版本讹误在所难免。

    However several errors exist in the four present editions .

  6. 这文本因抄写人的粗心而有讹误。

    The text was corrupted by careless copyists .

  7. 它在通论内容、词汇教学方面缺乏严格的统筹安捧,讲解,注释多处出现讹误;

    The introduction to the content , vocabulary teaching and exercises lacked rigid arrangement .

  8. 这稿子由于讹误太多,以致有的部分意义不明。

    The manuscript is so corrupt that parts of it make no sense at all .

  9. 本文根据浙江图书馆馆藏善本,将经部、史部少量讹误及时正之,以方便读者。

    But it has a few mistakes when embodying the rare book of Zhejiang library .

  10. 抗初级讹误的软件保护方案

    Software Protecting Schemes Against Primary Corruption

  11. 使用冗余可以使其讹误影响减缩到任意小的程度。

    Its corrupting effects can be diminished to an arbitrarily small degree by the use of redundancy .

  12. 且对其中的方志洪水资料年代记载的讹误进行考辨,以期还历史以本来面目;

    And then , examine and correct year errors about the se floodwater historical materials in local records .

  13. 该书在长期流传过程中,又出现了不少讹误。

    Especially during such a long period when it passes from generation to generation , many errors occur inevitably .

  14. 传世文献经过几千年的风雨沧桑,其中包含许多讹误。

    Literature handed down through thousands of years of wind and rain vicissitudes of life , which includes many corruption .

  15. 然而由于年代的久远和时世的动荡,它在流传过程中多所讹误;

    However , because of the permanent age and the turbulent times , there appear a lot of errors in spreading process .

  16. 该文就有关清代数学家汪莱的文献中的一些难解或有讹误之处,进行考证校释,提出了一些新的见解。

    This paper deals with some difficult points and errors in the documents relating to Wang Lai , a famous mathematician of the Qing Dynasty .

  17. 后者以陈请纂修《明史》勿信野史讹传为开端,以强烈要求更正官修《明史》中的讹误记录为最终目标。

    The latter originated from their appealing Mingshi not to adapt the wrong records and asked strongly to correct the false record in Mingshi edited officially .

  18. 并且通过与《西平乐》的比照,辨明了已成定论的周邦彦梦中得《瑞鹤仙》词的讹误。

    Combined with a comparison with Xi Ping Le , it shatters the rumor of the Ci entitled Rui He Xian composed in dreams by Zhou Bangyan .

  19. 文章从语言解释、历史解释、心理解释、校勘与注释四个方面将诗词注释中的常见讹误分类释例,以期为日后的注释实践提供一点参考。

    This article gives some examples about these errors from language , history , mentality and collating , and it will be a reference about annotation work in future .

  20. 介绍了抗初级讹误的可能软件保护方案,并着重地描述了两个基于数字签名的软件鉴别系统,同时分析了他们的优缺点。

    This paper introduces possible software protecting schemes against primary corruption and emphatically describes two software authentic systems based on digital signatures , furthermore we analyze their advantages and disadvantages .

  21. 不仅指出了该史书所记载史料的讹误之处,而且也阐述了它所具有的独特史料价值及在蒙古学研究领域不可替代的地位。

    The author not only points out its errors but also expounds its unique value of historical data and its indispensible position in the field of the study of Mongolian science .

  22. 笔者在深入分析研究的基础上,以大量实例证明该书质量不高,存在着史实讹误、收录失当等弊病,主要集中在新中国成立前的内容方面。

    Making deep analysis of a large number of facts drawn from the book the author of this paper comes to the conclusion that the book is not of high quality .

  23. 所谓英格尔斯现代化指标体系是一个在我国流传甚广的现代化评估指标体系。但人们对这个所谓英格尔斯现代化指标体系的理解和运用从名称到内容实际上都包含着不少讹误和不当之处。

    The so-called Inkeles index system of modernization is a popular index system to evaluate modernization but there are some misunderstandings and misuses of the system from the name to the content .

  24. 最后考证了明别集类存目两卷中有参考价值的讹误20多条,附录于后。

    Finally textually researched the " Cun Mu " of the Ming Dynasty collected works 2 volume to have the reference value the error more than 20 strip , the appendix in after .

  25. 在校勘方面,颜师古能综合多种校勘方法,广泛征引其它的文献资料,以校正《汉书》的讹误和诸表之错乱,且多有精彩之校例。

    In collating , Yan can comprehensive many kinds of collation method and quote the other documents and materials extensively to correct the error and forms of " HanShu " , and have more excellent school examples .

  26. 现就杂家类杂纂之属存目部分有关编著者姓名、字号、籍贯、科第、仕履及著作内容等方面的疏漏和讹误,再补正30条。

    The author hereby provides 30 amendments to the defects and errors in the Eclectics Category in the aspects of the authors ' names , native places , imperial civil examinations , official careers and the contents of their works .

  27. 原文本无讹误,下一能字,实应训安,是把义定义为能安利天下。

    There are no wrong words in the original and the next word " neng " ( enable ) should be " an " ( peace ), which was intended to define righteousness as something that " enables a peaceful world ";

  28. 学生在汉字习得的各个阶段笔画增损和笔形讹误都是突出的问题,所以初级阶段学生对汉字基本笔形和笔画的准确把握是很重要的。

    Loss and corruption of pen strokes in characters are prominent problems through all stages of Chinese character learning . Therefore , it is very important for beginners to learn T-shaped strokes and have a good grasp of the basic strokes .

  29. 版本考订能指出前人之讹误,史料考辨能明了该书之价值,应该是本文的创新之处。

    Edition is it can point out error of forefathers to examine and correct , historical data is it is it can understand value of book this to distinguish to do in the test , it should be the innovation of this text .

  30. 他觉得拉丁文是一种讹误的精英语言,用之于严肃的散文上时,让普遍的叙述转变成必须经由贵族教育特权才能阅读,也就是必须用钱才能买得到的东西,使文学成为妓女。

    He felt that Latin was a corrupted , elitist language , and that the use of it in serious prose had turned literature into a harlot by making universal narrative into something that could only be bought with money , through the privilege of an aristocratic education .