
é chuán
  • Misinformation;misrepresentation;false rumour;unfounded rumor;false report;groundless rumour;unfounded rumour
讹传 [é chuán]
  • [misrepresentation;unfounder rumor] 与事实、事件等不相符的传闻

讹传[é chuán]
  1. 任的观点比实际凿刻时间晚400多年,至今讹传近600年。

    Assuming chisels time for 400 much years late than actually , false rumour is nearly 600 years so far .

  2. 还有更糟糕的讹传——说伊丽莎白已经怀上了他的孩子。

    Even worse , some wagging tongues said that Elizabeth was pregnant with Seymour 's child .

  3. 后者以陈请纂修《明史》勿信野史讹传为开端,以强烈要求更正官修《明史》中的讹误记录为最终目标。

    The latter originated from their appealing Mingshi not to adapt the wrong records and asked strongly to correct the false record in Mingshi edited officially .

  4. 在低利率和黄金交易商(它们持有巨额存货)炒作的推动下,黄金的市场价格已经上涨了十多年。毫无疑问,伴随资产价格泡沫的正常数量的欺诈与讹传也起到了推波助澜的作用。

    The market price of gold has risen for more than a decade propelled by low interest rates , the hype of the bullion dealers ( holding large inventories ) and no doubt the normal amount of fraud and misinformation accompanying asset price bubbles .