
zhēng tǎo
  • Conquest;go on a punitive expedition
征讨 [zhēng tǎo]
  • [go on a punitive expedition] 发出讨伐

  • 奉命征讨叛逆

征讨[zhēng tǎo]
  1. 征讨大军出发了,不久到达了基塞龙。

    The expedition set out , and soon arrived at githaeron .

  2. 征讨:不再对十字军打击的暴击提供双倍伤害奖励。

    Crusade : No longer applies damage bonus twice to critical strikes .

  3. 他被派征讨敌军。

    He was sent to go on a punitive expedition to attack the enemy .

  4. 当时国家设置的征讨都督是以大都督为称号的。

    Expeditionary Dudu set up by the country at that time was titled Dadudu .

  5. 不要差遣我去遥远的宫廷;不要命令我做新的征讨。

    Do not send me to distant courts ; do not bid me undertake new conquests .

  6. 到这时,征讨队停下来,完全摆出将要成为一支占领军的架势。

    At this point the expedition halted and gave all appearance of becoming an army of occupation .

  7. 三.以杀光抢光烧光的「三光政策」征讨原住民部落的暴力。

    Suppression of Aboriginal tribes with a policy of " kill all , seize all , burn all " .

  8. 能够顺应人民的心愿去征讨邪恶的势力,就是黄帝也不能与他们争威风;

    If one gains popular support when going into war , even Emperor Huang might stand in awe of him .

  9. 尧派遣舜征讨时,舜只用舞蹈时用的干盾与羽扇便使有苗屈服。

    When Yao sent Shun on expedition , Shun was able to use props used for dancing to subdue the Miao tribes .

  10. 为适应征讨作战的需要,国家还设置了受军事统帅统领的征讨都督。

    To meet the need of expeditionary fight , the country also set up the Expeditionary Dudu governed by the military commander .

  11. 皇帝和鞋匠的灵魂都是一个模子铸就,邻里纠纷的起因也和王子们相互征讨的缘由别无二致。

    The souls of emperors and cobblers are cast in the same mould * The same reason that makes us wrangle with a neighbour causes a war betwixt princes .

  12. 作为日本新的统治者,丰臣秀吉两次征讨朝鲜,并设法禁止社会阶层的流动性,因为他认为农民无法成为统治者。

    As the new regent of Japan he launched two invasions of Korea , put an end to social mobility since he didn 't think a peasant should be a ruler .

  13. 在资本征讨过程中东方社会将走出闭锁状态,实现生产、生活的现代化是原构马克思东方社会理论的主要内容。

    The oriental society would go out from closed condition , the manufacturing and living of the oriental society would accomplish the modernization by this means ; All these were the main contents of the initial theory of Marx 's oriental society .

  14. 蒙古汗国建立后,几次征讨西夏,经过长期的抗争,西夏于末帝宝义二年(1227)被蒙古所灭。

    After the founding of the Kingdom of Mongolia , there were wars between them . With many years of fighting finally in the 2nd year of Baoyi ( 1227 ) of the last emperor , s reign , the Western Xia ended in the hands of the Mongolia .