
jué dì sān chǐ
  • dig deep;dig to a depth of three feet
掘地三尺[jué dì sān chǐ]
  1. 你无须掘地三尺去探明你在泄露哪些信息&手机已经清楚的告诉了你答案,并让你做出选择。

    You don 't have to dig deep to figure out what information you are divulging-it tells you up front and lets you decide what to do .

  2. 但这三位研究人员的数字说明,除非电磁技术发生突破(例如发现某种室温超导体),全世界的地质工作者还是现在就开始掘地三尺,全球搜寻稀土矿为妙。

    But barring a breakthrough in magnet technology ( the discovery of a room-temperature superconductor , for example ) the three researchers ' figures suggest that the world 's geologists would do well to start scouring the planet for rare-earth ores now .