
zhǎn huò
  • Capture;very successful
斩获 [zhǎn huò]
  • [very successful] 原意为作战时对敌人的杀伤、俘获,现比喻大有收获

  1. 工党那点斩获远不足以让他们赢得大选。

    That sort of gain for Labour is nothing like good enough to win them the general election

  2. 英国斩获了铜牌,接下来又赢得了世界杯的银牌。

    Britain went on to take bronze and then followed it up by winning silver in the World Cup .

  3. 斩获头奖的“爆买”成为近来日本媒体上的高频词,形容大批中国游客乘巴士抵达东京购物区免税店、狂买电饭锅和高科技马桶盖等商品的行为。

    The top winning phrase , " Bakugai , " frequently appears on Japanese media in recent days , after busloads of Chinese travelers arrived at duty-free stores in Tokyo 's shopping districts , purchasing items including rice cookers and high-tech2 toilet seats .

  4. 他的最新CD《NightTrain(夜间列车)》斩获最佳乡村歌曲专辑殊荣。

    His latest CD Night Train is up for best country album .

  5. 总体来看,在两大前十佳奖项中,花旗投资研究(citiinvestmentresearch)以斩获5个奖项名列第一,瑞信以3项紧随其后。

    Overall , Citi investment research had the most awards in the two top tens with five , and Credit Suisse came second with three gongs .

  6. 近几周,感到情况不妙的IBM格外卖力,试图在此前收获甚微的市场有所斩获。

    Sensing trouble , IBM has in recent weeks made additional effort to get traction in the markets that have eluded it .

  7. AppleOriginal的电视剧、电影和纪录片,仅两年已经斩获130项奖项和500多项提名。

    Apple Original series , films , and documentaries have now been honored with more than 130 wins and over 500 nominations in less than two years .

  8. AMC娱乐和帝王娱乐都对影业公司开路影业(OpenRoadFilms)持有股份,最近在奥斯卡颁奖礼上斩获最佳影片的《聚焦》就是这家公司的作品。

    Together with Regal , AMC owns Open Road Films , a movie distributor whose " Spotlight " was named best picture at the Academy Awards on Sunday .

  9. 历史剧情片《为奴十二年》(12YearsaSlave)虽在另外六个竞赛单元中失利,但最终斩获了最佳剧情片奖。

    And despite missing out in the other six categories it was nominated in , the unflinching historical drama ' 12 Years a Slave ' concluded the night as best film drama .

  10. 中国电影《白日焰火》(BlackCoal,ThinIce)在柏林国际电影节(BerlinInternationalFilmFestival)获颁最佳影片奖,这是中国电影在寻求在国际建立声名过程中最新一项斩获。

    The Chinese film ' Black Coal , Thin Ice ' won best picture at the Berlin International Film Festival over the weekend , the latest win for China as it seeks global prominence in film .

  11. 在从billboard公告牌音乐大奖斩获两项大奖之后,KatyPerry可以好好庆祝一下。

    After scooping two gongs at the Billboard Music Awards on Sunday night , Katy Perry has plenty to celebrate .

  12. 该电影在美国共斩获2.38亿美元票房,超过了今年由环球影业(UniversalStudios)的《侏罗纪世界》(JurassicWorld)创下的2.08亿美元纪录。此外,该电影在全球其他地区还收得2.79亿美元票房。

    The film grossed $ 238m in the US , higher than the $ 208m mark set this year by Universal Studios " Jurassic World , and an additional $ 279m around the world .

  13. 2011年MTV电影奖近日揭晓,《暮色3:月食》斩获五项大奖,成为最大赢家。

    The Twilight Saga : Eclipse was the big winner at the2011 MTV Movie Awards , picking up five gongs .

  14. 正在度过黄金时期的电视仍然占据着统治地位,《权力的游戏》(GameofThrones)等热门剧集和体育赛事直播节目斩获了更多的收入。

    Television , which is going through its own golden age , with hit shows like game of Thrones and live sports commanding ever larger checks , still rules .

  15. 他援引的一项研究显示,买入那些CEO持有大量公司股票的公司、做空CEO并未大量持股的公司,每年可斩获4%至10%的额外回报。

    He cites one study that shows investing in companies where chief executives own lots of stock , and shorting those where they do not , earns between 4 and 10 per cent a year .

  16. 在第59届格莱美奖颁奖典礼上,阿黛尔凭借红极一时的《Hello》拿下了竞争激烈的“年度最佳单曲奖”,值得一提的是,这位歌手本次共斩获了五项大奖。

    The hyper-competitive record of the year trophy went to Adele for her smash hit " Hello " at the 59th annual Grammy Awards - the singer swept the five major awards at the show .

  17. 上周末唯一一部大范围首映的电影是《鬼影实录:诅咒》(ParanormalActivity:TheMarkedOnes),上映首周末票房收入排名第二,据估计,在美国和加拿大总共斩获1820万美元的票房。

    The weekend 's only new wide release , ' Paranormal Activity : The Marked Ones , ' opened in second place , taking in an estimated $ 18.2 million in the U.S. and Canada .

  18. 《卑鄙的我2》(DespicableMe2)在今年大获成功,斩获票房9.19亿美元。

    Despicable Me 2 was a huge hit this year , bringing in $ 919 million at the box office .

  19. 温斯坦影业公司发行的警匪片《无法无天》(Lawless)截至周一斩获1300万美元,位列排行榜第二。

    Lawless , ' a gangster film distributed by Weinstein Co. , took the No. 2 spot , earning $ 13 million domestically through Monday .

  20. 世界铁人公司运营铁人三项赛事。这是王健林在体育领域斩获的最新一项战利品——他还拥有马德里竞技足球俱乐部(AtleticoMadrid)20%的股权以及体育营销公司盈方体育传媒集团(InfrontSports&Media)。

    It is just the latest in a line of sporting trophies for Mr Wang - he also owns one-fifth of Atletico Madrid and Infront Sports & Media , a sports marketing company .

  21. 最近elle.com上报道了一个案例,曾斩获奖项的记者兼NBC今日秀的主持人霍达•科特普对医生抱怨肘部疼痛。

    In a recent case , award-winning journalist and NBC 's Today show host Hoda Kotb went to a doctor complaining of pain in her elbow , elle.com reported .

  22. 三星在过去十年取得的成就是令人赞叹的,在此期间,苹果凭借iPhone斩获了全球智能手机市场大部分利润,同时诺基亚(Nokia)和黑莓(BlackBerry)等竞争对手都已中途出局。

    Samsung has done something remarkable inthe past decade , as Apple has taken most of the global profits from smartphoneswith the iPhone , and competitors such as Nokia and BlackBerry have fallen bythe wayside .

  23. 百胜餐饮集团(YumBrands)出售中国特许权的交易在该集团与两家主要竞标者在价格上谈不拢之后陷入停滞。这笔剥离资产的交易一度预计将斩获逾100亿美元。

    The sale of Yum Brands " China franchise , a disposal once expected to fetch more than $ 10bn , has come to a standstill after clashes on price with the two main bidders .

  24. 知情人士表示,美联储(fed)从一项备受争议的努力中斩获数十亿美元账面利润,该努力旨在解除美国国际集团(aig)提供给高盛(goldmansachs)等银行的信贷保险合约。

    The Federal Reserve is sitting on billions of dollars in paper profits from its controversial effort to unwind credit insurance contracts that AIG provided to banks such as Goldman Sachs , people familiar with the matter said .

  25. 巴巴多斯出生的RB歌手蕾哈娜空手而归,而加拿大流行歌手贾斯汀•比伯获得了与斯威夫特对应的男性大奖&最佳世界舞台奖、以及又一次斩获的最佳流行音乐奖和最佳男歌手。

    Barbados-born RB singer Rihanna went empty handed , while Canadian pop star Justin Bieber matched Swift for the boys and earned Best World Stage , along with repeat wins for Best Pop and Best Male .

  26. 唯一一位在格莱美奖,艾美奖,MTV音乐录影带奖,MTV电影奖,人民选择奖,以及公告牌音乐奖上均有斩获的歌手。

    Only artist with at least one Grammy , Emmy , MTV Video Music Award , MTV Movie Award , People 's Choice Award , and Billboard Music Award to their name .

  27. 2013年,在有“韩国格莱美”之称的Melon音乐颁奖典礼上,EXO凭借热门单曲《Growl》斩获“年度最佳歌曲”及“网络人气奖”两项殊荣。

    At the 2013 Melon Music Awards , South Korea 's equivalent of the Grammy Awards , Exo won Song of the Year and Netizen Popularity Award for hit single Growl .

  28. 研究人员发现,在学习能力评估测试(SAT)数学部分斩获高分的学生中,男孩通常渴望主修物理、工程或计算机,而女孩的首选领域则是经济学、政治学或医学。

    Researchers have found that , among students with high scores on the math portion of the SAT , boys cited their desire to major in the physical sciences , engineering or computers , while the girls preferred fields like economics , political science or medicine .

  29. 费拉居同时指出,在2008年和去年,在verizon无线和美国电话电报公司关于4g技术lte的网络基础设备大型采购中,华为也没有斩获。

    Mr ferragu also points out that Huawei has not featured in the large deals awarded by Verizon Wireless and at & T in 2008 and last year for network infrastructure based on 4G technology called LTE .

  30. 在为马刺效力的16个赛季里,吉诺比利共斩获4枚总冠军戒指,职业生涯胜率为721(762-295),这是NBA中至少出战1000场比赛中的最高胜率。

    In 16 seasons with the Spurs , Ginobili captured four NBA championships while posting a career winning percentage of . 721 ( 762-295 ) , which is the best winning percentage in NBA history among players who have appeared in at least 1000 games .