
wú zhuó
  • uncertain;unassured;be unavailable;lack an assured source
  • the Buddhist saint Asanga;Buddha
无着 [wú zhuó]
  • [without assured source] 没有落脚依靠之处

  • 无着入手

  1. 他们生计无着。

    They had no visible means of subsistence .

  2. 这位读书人,尽管衣食无着,可是他的好古之心,依然如故,始终舍不得丢掉这三件“古董”。

    Though he had neither food nor clothes , his fondness for antiques remained unchanged . All along he could not bear to part with these three " antiques " .

  3. Gardner开始上门申请学习经纪人课程,即使这意味着在他学习期间会衣食无着。

    Gardner began knocking on doors , applying for training programs at brokerages , even though it meant he would have to live on next to nothing while he learned .

  4. 他死后家人衣食无着。

    When he died , his family was left destitute .

  5. 畸变类型主要是无着丝点断片(占82.9%);

    The type of aberrations was mainly acentrics fragments ( 82.9 % ) .

  6. 在有丝分裂中,后期细胞也观察到无着丝点染色体断片和落后染色体,它们有可能形成微核。

    Acentric fragments of chromosome and late chromosomes in meta-and anaphase cells are also observed .

  7. 他的两侧是两位助手:无着和他的兄弟世亲。

    He is flanked by his two acolytes , asanga and his brother , vasubandhu .

  8. 他们对衣食无着的恐惧。

    Their fear of losing their livelihood .

  9. 她生活无着(无工作、收入等)。

    She is without any visible means of support , ie has no work , income , etc.

  10. 已被裁减而生活无着者,收回成命,给以饭吃。

    Those who have been dismissed and have no means of support will be reinstated and provided with a living .

  11. 在最低生活水平线上╱以上╱以下他们生计无着。

    to live at / above / below ( the ) subsistence level They had no visible means of subsistence .

  12. 在后期双着绿点染色体将形成一个桥,无着绿点染色体单体形成一断片,此两者均可记录下来。

    At anaphase the dicentric chromatid will form a bridge and the acentric a fragment , both of which can be scored .

  13. 我口袋里尽是衬衣袜子,举目无亲,食宿无着。

    My pockets were stuffed out with shirts and stockings , and I knew no one , nor where to look for lodging .

  14. 在细胞分裂后期相中,有较多的染色体桥和无着丝点染色体落后以至散失在细胞质中的现象。

    In the anaphase of mitosis , many chromosome bridges were observed , some acentric fragments of chromosme lagged behind and were left in cytoplasm .

  15. 自从他妻子离开他以后,他就感到自己孤寂无着,连朋友都帮不了他的忙。

    After his wife left him he felt that he was in a lonely no man 's land where even his friends could not help him .

  16. 《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法》实施以来,流浪乞讨人员从数量到质量都发生了很大的变化。

    Vagrants and beggardom have changed from quantity to the quantity since " the salvage and manage way to the vagrants and beggardom in cities " issuing for enforcement .

  17. 我们听到工作无着的南亚妇女的声音。无论作多少努力,尽管有良好的学历,总是很难找到工作。

    We hear displacement in the voices of South Asian women in Hong Kong , who find it hard to get a job , despite many efforts , and despite being well-educated .

  18. 清朝顺治年间,由于清朝统治者同关内各种势力进行争夺,频繁的战争造成大量的人民流离失所,衣食无着。

    During Shun Zhi years , the Qing Dynasty rulers scrambled for with various forces inside Shanhaiguan Pass , which caused many people became destitute and homeless lacking in food and clothing .

  19. 结果:经太空诱变后的生物工程细胞染色体畸变率为:环状占10.5%,无着丝断片占36.75%,三射、四射体占13%。

    Result : The abnormal chromosome rate of bio-engineering cells muted by outer space were : ring chromosome , 10.5 % ; acenericfragment , 36.75 % ; triceneric and fourcentric , 13 % .

  20. 已被裁减而生活无着者,收回成命,给以饭吃。该政府赶紧收回成命,撤消了业已宣布的食品提价。

    Those who have been dismissed and have no means of support will be reinstated and provided with a living . The government beat a retreat , canceling the announced rises in food prices .

  21. 2003年8月1日,中国《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法》正式施行,旧的收容遣送办法同时废止。

    The Measures on Aid and Management for Urban Vagrants and Beggars took effect in China on August 1 , 2003 , to replace the two-decade-old Measures for the Internment and Deportation of Urban Vagrants and Beggars .

  22. 有一封来信说,看到家园损毁、亲人离丧、生计无着发生在一个发达国家,也许这才是冲击所在我们更习惯看到此类灾难发生在一个欠发达国家。

    One of my correspondents said that perhaps the shock is seeing people in the developed world having their homes , families and livelihoods destroyed , when we are more used to seeing these disasters in less developed countries .

  23. 1935主演《新挑花扇》。后移居香港,曾参加粤语片的拍摄,以后长期生活无着,曾沿街乞讨。

    In 1935 , she starred New Peach Blossom Fan , and then moved to Hongkong and acted Cantonese films . For a long time since then , she had lived a helpless life and beggared along the street .

  24. 城市流浪乞讨人员管理制度重构&兼评《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法》之得失

    The Reconstruction of the Management System of the Tramps and Mendicants in the City & And the Comment on the gain and loss of the Management Measures about Salvation of the Tramps and Mendicants with no Income in the City

  25. 无法通知寄件人或者逾期不办理撤回手续的,作为无着邮件处理。

    If it is impossible to notify the sender , or the sender fails to go through the formalities for withdrawing the aforesaid postal materials when the time limit expires , the postal materials shall be disposed of as ownerless ones .

  26. 2003年8月1日《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法》正式颁布实施,它的出现标志着一种新型的城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员社会救助制度的初步建立。

    August 1st , 2003 , " The Regulations to aid the vagrants and beggars who nothing for a living in city " formally promulgated and implemented , it means a new type of city aid system to the vagrants and beggars who nothing for a living is initially established .

  27. 双歧高剂量组需氧菌落数较正常对照组差异无显着性(P>0.05);

    Aerobian colony numbers in high dosage bifidobacterium group did not differ from that of control group ( P > 0.05 ); 3 .

  28. 特定生长率随着投喂频率的增加,呈先升后降的趋势,3次/d时最高,但与2次/d组无显着差异(p0.05)。

    The Specific growth rate ( SGR ) increased first and then decreased . three times daily is the highest , but no significant different with two times daily ( p 0.05 ) .

  29. 依中医药管理局发布的《中医病证诊断疗效标准》为主分析,治疗前两组症状评分比较无显着性差异(P0.05)。

    According to the analysis based on 《 The Standard for TCM Diseases and Syndromes therapeutic results 》 published by Chinese TCM Authority , there was without significant difference ( P0.05 ) for the syndrome scores of the two group .

  30. 腰膝酸软、胁胀、溢乳、心烦易怒等症状及体征等消失率比较,差异无显着性意义(P0.05)。

    Comparing the disappearance rates of symptoms and other body signs like soreness and weakness of waists and knees , distension in the hypochondriac region , galactorrhea , irritability , etc. , the author finds no significant difference ( P0.05 ) .