
  • 网络wireless spectrum;radio spectrum
  1. 认知无线电(CR)被认为是解决无线频谱利用率低的问题的最佳解决方案。

    Cognitive radio ( CR ) is considered to be the best solution to solve the low utilization problem of the wireless spectrum .

  2. CR技术是一种能感知无线频谱环境,即在时域、频域和空域中搜索闲置频谱,充分利用有限频谱资源的通信技术。

    Because of CR technology , wireless spectrum environment can be perceived and unused spectrum in the time domain , frequency domain and the airspace can be searched , limited spectrum resources can be fully utilized .

  3. 美国联邦通信委员会(U.S.FederalCommunicationsCommission)启动了六年来第一次大规模无线频谱拍卖。

    The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has kicked off its first major auction of wireless airwaves in six years .

  4. 为提高无线频谱资源的利用率,提出一种适应于多用户多输入多输出(MIMO)系统的闭环调度算法。

    A closed-loop scheduling algorithm was proposed for multi-user Multi-Input Multi-Output ( MIMO ) system to improve wireless spectral performance .

  5. 多输入多输出(MIMO)技术通过空间复用能提高无线频谱效率,通过空间分集能提高链路可靠性。

    Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output ( MIMO ) offers spatial multiplexing gain which increases spectral efficiency , and diversity gain which improves link reliability .

  6. 利用UWB脉冲通信是对无线频谱资源的利用进行新的探索,它解决了困扰传统无线技术多年的有关传播方面的重大问题。

    The UWB pulse communication is new exploration of radio spectrum , and it resolves the important problem of radio propagation .

  7. 同时,OFDM的广泛应用也为信息对抗、无线频谱资源管理等领域带来了一系列新的任务与挑战。

    Meanwhile , the wide application of OFDM has brought a series missions and challenges in the field of information countermeasure or spectrum resource management .

  8. 作为MIMO构架核心环节的空时编码技术,是一种新兴而颇具潜力的方案,能够有效提高无线频谱利用率。

    Space-Time code is the key technology of MIMO channel , which is novel and potential scheme can enhance the profitability of frequency effectively .

  9. Google向美国联邦通信委员会(以下简称FCC)提交了成为空白频谱数据库管理员的提案,该数据库将包含使用无线频谱中闲置频道的设备的地理位置信息。

    Google proposes to FCC to become the administrator of a White Spaces Database containing geo-location information about devices using the free channels in the radio spectrum .

  10. 认知无线电(Cognitiveradio)技术被认为是解决无线频谱紧缺问题的一种新方法。

    Cognitive radio ( CR ) technology is a revolutionary technology of wireless mobile communication , which is considered as a novel method to solve the problem of the shortage of wireless spectrum .

  11. 利用UWB技术是对无线频谱资源的利用进行的新的探索,开辟时域电磁波应用的新领域。

    UWB technology is a new exploration of the use of radio spectrum resource and it inaugurate a new field of time domain application of electromagnetic wave .

  12. OFDM(正交频分复用)和多址技术的结合能够允许多个用户同时共享有限的无线频谱,从而获得较高的系统容量。

    OFDM ( Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ) combined with multiple access technique can promise several users to share the limited radio spectrum simultaneously and gain the more system capacity .

  13. 认知无线电技术中认知用户(也称CR用户)对周围无线频谱环境准确、快速的检测,即频谱感知,是提高其频谱利用率、保护授权用户免受干扰的重要前提和核心技术。

    CR technology can sense the around wireless environment accurately and rapidly . Spectrum sensing is the important precondition and key technology to improve CR users ' spectrum utilization and protect primary users from interruption .

  14. OFDM的广泛应用也为信息对抗、无线频谱资源管理等方面带来了巨大的挑战,在协作通信中,相关问题的研究一直是近年的研究热点。

    But , the widely application of OFDM technology in wireless spectrum resources management and Electronic warfare has also brought great challenges . Recently , researching on OFDM cooperative communication has been a hotspot .

  15. Radio-over-Fiber(ROF)技术的最初目的是为了提高无线频谱资源的利用率和简化远程基站的模块。

    The technology of radio-over-fiber ( ROF ) is originally to improve efficiency of spectrum and reduce the size of remote base station .

  16. 政府已给3G网络分配了无线频谱,该网络采用更加先进的技术,可提高通话次数,同时提供优质的数据服务。

    The government has also earmarked space in the spectrum for " third generation "( 3G ) networks , which use more advanced technology to pack in more calls , as well as making possible fancy data services .

  17. 认知无线电(CR,CoguitiveRadio)技术的出现为提高无线频谱利用率带来了希望,它能够通过感知频域、时域和空域的无线环境,自动搜索利用空闲的授权频谱。

    Cognitive radio ( CR ) technology has emerged as a promising technology to improve the utilization efficiency of radio spectrum , which can search and use licensed spectrum automatically , through sensing spectrum environment of frequency domain , time domain and space domain .

  18. 为了解决目前无线频谱资源的紧张问题,认知无线电应运而生,又由于OFDM的良好性能,所以可以将OFDM应用于认知无线电系统中。

    In order to resolve the current tension in wireless spectrum resource , cognitive radio has come into being , and because of the good performance of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ( OFDM ), OFDM can be applied to the OFDM-based cognitive radio systems .

  19. MIMO技术利用增加天线对而不是额外的带宽来成倍提高数据速率,能很好解决无线频谱资源短缺的问题,成为下一代无线通信系统的关键技术。

    Multiple Input Multiple Output ( MIMO ) technology , which use antenna arrays rather than additional bandwidth for multiplying data rates , can overcome the problem of short radio spectrum resources well , and has been one of key issues in the next-generation wireless communication systems .

  20. 目前,无线频谱资源由国家统一分配使用,无线频谱分为两个部分:授权频段(LFB)和非授权频段(UFB)。

    Wireless spectrum is allocated for use by the nation today , and Wireless spectrum is divided into two parts : the licensed frequency band ( LFB ) and unlicensed bands ( UFB ) .

  21. 本文针对无线频谱稀缺与频谱利用率低下这一矛盾,有效利用路径损耗、多径衰落、阴影衰落及穿透损耗等因子,提出了LTE-A室内中继网络上行链路的机会频谱共享机制。

    This paper considered the contradiction of wireless spectrum scarcity and low utilization of spectrum , proposed opportunistic spectrum sharing schemes in the uplink of LTE-A indoor relay network making use of path loss , multi-path fading , shadow fading and penetration loss .

  22. 但是随着业务的扩张,无线频谱资源的匮乏问题也日益严峻。

    But the shortage of wireless spectrum resources is increasingly serious .

  23. 拍卖&无线频谱管理的有效手段

    Auction , an Effective Means for Radio Frequency Spectrum Management

  24. 无线频谱资源具有不可再生性。

    Wireless spectrum is not a renewable resource .

  25. 所以说,无线频谱是一种非常宝贵的资源。

    Therefore , radio spectrum is invaluable resource .

  26. 这么高的传输速率对有限的无线频谱资源来说是一个极大的挑战。

    So high transmission rate is a big challenge to the limited frequency spectral .

  27. 怎样才能使无线频谱资源利用率得到最大限度地提高成为亟待解决的问题。

    It is the serious problem to maximize the utilization of the wireless spectrum .

  28. 无线频谱资源的稀缺使认知无线电技术成为研究的热点。

    The scarcity of wireless spectrum makes the cognitive radio technology research become increasingly hot .

  29. 无线频谱资源作为一种重要的资源,由政府统一进行协调管理。

    As an important nature resource , the electromagnetic radio spectrum is licensed by the government .

  30. 认知无线电中无线频谱感知技术的研究

    On Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio