
wú yòng
  • useless;of no use;futility;unserviceable;feckless
无用 [wú yòng]
  • (1) [unserviceable]∶不适用的

  • 无用而傲慢自大的文职人员

  • (2) [feckless;of no use;useless]∶没有价值或意义的;没有用处或效果的

  • 在字母表中无用的字母

无用[wú yòng]
  1. 我们继续做下去也无用。

    It 's useless for us to continue .

  2. 你也许会认为自己无用、不称职、应该受到指责。

    You may see yourself as useless , incompetent and blameworthy

  3. 他认为民意测验毫无用处而不予考虑。

    He dismissed the opinion polls as worthless .

  4. 抗议也无用。

    It would be futile to protest .

  5. 我把很多无用的物品都丢掉了,并且改掉了一些让我烦心的习惯。

    I rid myself of many superfluous belongings and habits that bothered me .

  6. 尽量避免无用的重复劳动。

    Try to avoid wasteful duplication of effort .

  7. 如今我们不得不面对铺天盖地的垃圾邮件、广告传单和无用的公文。

    These days , we are bombarded with endless junk mail , fliers , and general bumf .

  8. 编辑的目的非常简单——删掉原稿中那些无用的部分。

    The purpose of the edit is fairly simple — to chop out the boring bits from the original .

  9. 我需要的是合理的建议而不是无用的抱怨。

    What I need is sensible advice rather than useless complaints .

  10. 喋喋不休地谈这些琐碎细节是无用的。

    It 's useless to fire away with such trivial details .

  11. 此药对我无用。

    This medicine is of no use to me .

  12. 我们所有的劝告都无用。

    All our persuasion was of no use .

  13. 运动的额外能量叫做无用能。

    The extra energy of motion is called unavailable energy .

  14. 继续这种毫无结果的争论是无用的。

    It was useless to continue such a barren argument .

  15. 这家伙真无用。

    The guy is of no use .

  16. 那位老师在徒劳地向这些孩子反复灌输无用的知识。

    That teacher is wasting his effort trying to hammer useless facts into such children .

  17. 事实表明,在中国好像很少有人留意到对埃及式革命的呼吁可能会被当做苛刻政策发挥作用的证据,这并不是说这些政策是无用的。

    The fact that few in China appeared to heed the call for an egyptian-style revolt may have been taken as proof that harsh tactics work , not that they are unnecessary .

  18. 这些微型卫星可以被安置进运载火箭中之前被认为是无用空间的地方。

    These mini-satellites can fit in a launch vehicle 's formerly " wasted space . "

  19. 如果我们不是在使用设备,也很可能做一些同样无用的事情。

    If we weren 't on our devices , we 'd likely do something similarly unproductive .

  20. 弗雷徳里克的主要思想就是炉子、水池和厨房案台一定要放置到位,使得无用的步骤能够完全避免。这个思想促使了玛格丽特·舒特·利赫斯基在20世纪20年代设计了第一个设备齐全的厨房。

    Frederick 's central idea , that " stove , sink and kitchen table must be placed in such a relation that useless steps are avoided entirely , " inspired the first fully fitted kitchen , designed in the 1920s by Margarete Sch ü tter-Lihotsky .

  21. 当我们检索信息时,我们会记起想要的信息,以及相关但是无用的信息。

    And when we retrieve information , both the desired and associated but irrelevant information is recalled .

  22. 如果可能的话,不要把钱花在无用的东西上。

    Don 't spend money on useless things if possible .

  23. 担心是无用的。担心并不能改变现状,也不能解决问题。

    Worrying isn 't useful . Worrying can neither change the situation nor solve any problem .

  24. 另外,degifting也指用更加有意义的行为取代过节时无用又无谓的商品互赠行为,比如捐赠善款、志愿服务或者办个节日聚会等。

    Degifting can also refer to the act of replacing useless and pointless merchandise with something more meaningful , such as a charitable donation , service project or holiday party .

  25. 她明白抗议是完全无用的。

    She could see the utter futility of trying to protest .

  26. 露天矿产毁坏全部区域,离开赤裸和无用的地面

    Strip mining devastates whole regions , leaving bare and useless ground .

  27. 不要把时间消耗在这种无用的工作上。

    Don 't expend all your time on such a useless job .

  28. 西尔维亚也在他们中间,为那些长期珍藏的无用知识,友好地、起劲地鼓掌

    Sylvia among them , good-naturedly applaud so much long-hoarded treasure of useless knowing .

  29. 那么我们有义务去忽略家人的要求而放弃无用的抢救么

    So did we an obligation to override their demands and withhold futile resuscitative efforts ?

  30. 正当许仙一筹莫展,想着该处置这些无用的存货时,病患一窝蜂来到许仙的药草店。

    As Xu Xian wondered what to do with this useless inventory2 , patients flooded into his shop .