
  1. 但封建主义思想意识却以一种残余的形式隐藏下来。

    But feudalism ideology hides actually by one remaining form .

  2. 对封建主义思想本身缺乏具体准确的如实认识;在反封建主义与资本主义的问题上主次失调等失误,封建主义残余将在社会主义初级阶段长期存在。

    Therefore , the survivals of feudalism will remain for a long time in the Primary Period of Socialism .

  3. 其次从历史作用上看,由于洋务思想是一种带有资本主义因素的封建主义思想,这种理论上的双重性决定了它的历史作用也是双重性的。

    Secondly , in terms of its historical role , owing to the fact that the Westernization ideas were in nature thoughts of feudalism containing capitalist elements , this kind of theory was of dual character , and this duality in turn determined its playing a dual historical role .

  4. 论继续肃清封建主义残余思想与加强党的建设

    By Continues to Eliminate the Feudalism Remaining Thought and the Enhancement Party 's Construction

  5. 封建主义的思想必须彻底肃清。

    Feudal ideas must be eradicated .

  6. 封建主义的思想体系和社会制度,是进了历史博物馆的东西了。

    The ideological and social system of feudalism has a place only in the museum of history .

  7. 宋代思想家有关封建问题的思考封建主义的思想必须彻底肃清。

    The Thinkers Thoughts about the System of " Fedualism " in Song Dynasty ; Feudal ideas must be eradicated .

  8. 旧的顽固的封建主义的思想武器打了败仗了,抵不住,宣告破产了。

    The ideological weapons of the old die-hard feudalism were defeated , had to give way and were declared bankrupt .

  9. 再次是封建主义残余思想和资本主义腐朽思想的侵蚀及西方敌对势力西化战略图谋的影响。

    And then it is the eroding of the rump Feudalism and moldered Capitalism thoughts , as well as the influence of the western antagonize power .

  10. 但是这些东西也和封建主义的思想武器一样,软弱得很,又是抵不住,败下阵来,宣告破产了。那阵风刮下几块瓦来。

    However , all these ideological weapons , like those of feudalism , proved very feeble and in their turn had to give way and were withdrawn and declared bankrupt .

  11. 它所反映的西方法文化思想,折射出19世纪中叶中国社会经济和政治的急剧变革,体现了由封建主义法文化思想向资本主义法文化思想过渡的征候。

    Its western law culture reflects the social , economic and political change in the 19th century China and reflects the transition of law development from Feudalism into Capitalism .

  12. 就思想文化根源而言,主要表现为封建主义和资本主义腐朽思想及我国古代儒家官僚文化的影响。

    As for the ideological and cultural roots , there are mainly manifested in the degenerate ideology of feudalism and capitalism and the influence of Confucian bureaucratic culture .

  13. 第一部分:从政治、经济和思想文化等方面阐明封建主义残余在社会主义国家中存在的表现及其危害,由此告诉人们:封建主义腐朽思想既是国民现代化的障碍,也是社会现代化的障碍。

    Part One : To state the conducts and injures of the survival feudalism in politics , economy and ideological civilization fields in socialism countries , and tell the people that the old feudal ideas are the obstacles of civil modernization as well as social modernization .