
  • 网络cover design
  1. 接下来让我们特别来看看DVD的封面设计。

    Let 's have a look at the DVD 's cover design .

  2. CD唱片封面设计既体现出强烈时代感又充满了浓浓文化思想,它是大众文化需求的化身,承载着艺术与商业的双重诉求。

    Cover design of the CD disc embodies the blazing sense of the times and the strong thoughts and culture .

  3. 封面设计一般七、八版,运气不好有可能达到50版。通常快速的设计需要7-8个版本的迭代才能选出定稿,之后还需要做一些微调(把标题调大一点儿、换一个正文字体、市场部要求作者的名字用金箔等)。

    A quick design process might involve seven or eight different iterations before a final design is chosen , followed by a process of fine-tuning ( make the title bigger , try a script font , Marketing wants the author in gold foil , etc ) .

  4. Foxproforwindows在MIS系统封面设计中的应用

    Applications of Foxpro for windows in designing MIS system cover

  5. 报纸的封面设计和2018Supreme秋冬新款相呼应。

    The redesign was published in conjunction with Supreme 's new look book for its fall / winter 2018 season line .

  6. 详细介绍了在VB6.0中应用程序封面设计的实现方法,并给出了具体实例。

    The paper provides the approach to design application program logo in VB6.0 and a practical example is given .

  7. 探讨了封面设计技术的基本原则。给出了一个以VISUALBASIC程序设计语言为工具,通过API函数创建浮动软件封面的完整程序。

    In this paper , the basic principle of the front cover design is discussed , and a complete program which is based on Visual Basic 6.0 is developed to create a floating software front cover by calling API function .

  8. 布鲁赫《苏格兰幻想曲》《第二小提琴协奏曲》那个时候不知道为什么,能见到的磁带极少有EMI的,而EMI的封面设计恰恰是

    Bruch " Scottish Fantasy "," Violin Concerto " at that time do not know why , to see the tape very little EMI , but EMI 's cover design is precisely

  9. 科技期刊封面设计规范性的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis to Standard of Front over Design Technical Journal

  10. 图像数字化处理技术在本期封面设计中的应用

    The Application of Digital Image Disposal Technology in Designing This Cover

  11. 我想我的作品适合建筑或者旅游杂志的封面设计。

    I think my works suit architecture or travel magazine-cover design .

  12. 是新玩具书的封面设计吗?

    The sketches for the cover of the new doll book ?

  13. 关于新时期图书封面设计的职能

    The Function of Cover Design for Books in the New Era

  14. 学术类科技期刊封面设计的原则及表现

    Principles and representation of cover design of academic science journals

  15. 书籍封面设计中汉字使用的感与悟

    On the Application of Chinese Words in the Front Cover of a Book

  16. 书籍封面设计的市场价值及其延伸

    The market value of book cover design and the extension the main content

  17. 浅谈书籍封面设计

    I Am Shallow to Talk Book Cover a Design

  18. 书籍封面设计的视觉心理研究

    The Study of Visual Psychology Concerning Book Cover Design

  19. 浅析科技期刊封面设计

    Analysis the Cover Design of Scientific and Technological Periodical

  20. 学术期刊封面设计的艺术分析

    Artistic Analysis of Design of the Cover of Periodicals

  21. 书籍封面设计的创意方法与设计过程

    Creative Means and Design Process in Book Cover Design

  22. 封面设计在一本书的整体设计中具有举足轻重的地位。

    A book cover designs in the overall design is of vital importance .

  23. 现代书籍装帧封面设计中的细节设计

    The Detail Design of the Modern Book Cover Design

  24. 当代书刊封面设计的天然美

    The Nature Aesthetics of Contemporary Book Cover Design

  25. 还是不喜欢书的封面设计?

    Do they not like the book cover ?

  26. 论封面设计的审美特色

    Discussion on the Aesthetic Characters of Cover Design

  27. 当前科技期刊封面设计存在的问题

    Problems of cover design of modern sci-tech periodicals

  28. 杂志封面设计的共性与个性

    The Commonness and Individuality of Magazine Cover Design

  29. 论科技期刊的封面设计

    Probe into the Cover Design of Sci-tech Periodicals

  30. 是的,一个朋友的朋友做封面设计

    Oh , yes . A friend of a friend does the cover art ...