
  1. 水东宋氏从唐初至明末统治贵州水东地区,唐宋元明四朝先后封赐诸多官衔。

    Eastwater the Song ruled the Tang dynasty first arrival end of the Ming dynasty , The Tang Song Yuan Ming four dynasties awards many official title successively .

  2. 贵族数量的上升得益于国王的慷慨封赐,而谨慎乃至吝啬的封爵政策、不利的人口因素、婚姻习俗和长子继承制则限制了贵族规模的扩大。

    The number growth of aristocrats is attributed to the generous conferment of the King , but the prudent , or even stingy , conferment policy , unfavorable factor of population , marriage customs , and the primogeniture limit the scale enlargement .

  3. 秦汉之际楚政权封君赐爵制度初探

    A Survey of the Title-granting System of Chu Regime at the Turn of Qin and Han Dynasty