
  • 网络color grade;Color Tier;Colour
  1. 正确、定量地评价颜色的颜色等级,是翡翠价值评估中的一个难点和重点。

    How to appraise the colour grade correctly and felicitously is the hardy and important point .

  2. 我国棉花纤维质量及颜色等级划分研究

    Study on the Fiber Quality and the Classification of Color Grades of China 's Cotton

  3. 鸭蛋蛋心颜色等级模型研究

    Research on Yolk Color Grading Model

  4. 试验结果表明:鸭蛋蛋心颜色等级模型具有较高的回归精度,可以用于指导在线生产。

    The result show that the grade model of egg core color is high precision to direct the line production .

  5. 根据人工照蛋的原理,运用机器视觉技术设计出鸭蛋品质检测与分级系统,对鸭蛋蛋芯颜色等级和鸭蛋外形大小进行自动检测。

    According to the principle of manual means , it is possible to detect the yolk color and dimensions by machine vision .

  6. 目前,由于技术原因,对牛肉颜色等级的评定工作仍然停留在人工操作的水平,存在着主观性强和效率低等缺点。

    The color grading of beef is still done by human visual inspecting at present . There are series of problems in manual operation due to the subjectivity , low-level efficiency , and some other shortcomings .

  7. 烟叶水浸液的总酸度与其部位、颜色、等级的关系

    Relationship of Total Acidity of Tobacco Leaf Aqueous Infusion with its Stalk Position , Color and Grade

  8. 进一步分析了上述测定结果与烟叶部位、颜色、等级的关系,找出了规律性,为研究氮组分对烟草品质的影响提供了参考依据。

    The relations between the results and different stalk position , colour , grade have been analyzed .

  9. 该方法和已有方法相比,具有容易实现、颜色对灰度等级分割的灵敏度高、实时效果好的特点。

    This method has advantages of being easy to realize and high color sensitivity for gray level .

  10. 可按地质产状、颜色、工艺等级、并考虑传统名称进一步划分品种。

    According to geological state , color , technological classification , and traditional nomenclature , tremolite jade can be classified into some varieties respectively .

  11. 应用木制品的表面颜色特征进行等级划分,是完善小木制品质量检测手段、提高检测准确度的最重要的环节。

    Applying the surface color characteristics of wooden products to compartmentalize grade is an important part to perfect the means of quality detection and to improve the detection accuracy of small wooden products .

  12. 对于一个具体的光栅显示器来说,象素的个数是有限的,象素的大小是有限的,象素的颜色和灰度等级也是有限的,所以光栅图形只是近似的实际图形。

    As a given raster monitor , the number of pixels is limited , and the size of pixels is limited , and both the color of pixels and gray levels of pixels are limited as well , therefore , raster graphics is just the approximation of the actual graphics .

  13. 软件以小方块在地图上标注全国195个地区的实际位置,按ISO9223标准对各地区的年润湿时间进行分级,并以不同的颜色对应不同的等级。

    The small diamonds on the map represent actual locations at 195 areas of the whole country and the annual wetting time of each area was classified according to ISO 9223 standard by this software . Different color represent different grade .

  14. 木材颜色是评价木材等级的一个重要标准,其关键在于改良方法。

    The improved measure of wood to change color is an important technology to evaluate timber grade .

  15. 这并不意味着图像一定使用这些颜色,但它可以代替指定颜色,精度等级。

    This does not mean that the image necessarily uses all of these colors , but that it can instead specify colors with that level of precision .