
  • 网络Colored Diamonds;FANCY COLOR DIAMOND;fancy color;fancy colour diamond
  1. 而对于刚刚被中国消费者所认识的更为高端的彩色钻石,基本没有系统的市场研究体系和相关的理论材料。

    With regard to fancy color diamond , however , there is limited systematic market research and theoretical material .

  2. 辐照处理彩色钻石的缺陷中心及阴极发光谱

    CL spectrum and defect centres of irradiated colour diamonds

  3. 这些彩钻被认为是世界上最为浓缩的财富,在过去10年的珠宝拍卖会上,最高的25个拍卖价中有24个被彩色钻石包揽。

    They are considered the world 's most concentrated form of wealth and 24 of 25 of the highest prices paid at jewel auctions in the last decade were for coloured diamonds .

  4. 老凤祥在海外的客群主要还是华人移民跟中国游客,不过“我们增加了新的金饰种类,把24K金和玉、彩色宝石或钻石融合起来,以吸引更多客群,”王先生说。

    Its overseas customer base still is largely composed of expatriate Chinese and tourists from mainland China . But " we are adding a new merchandise mix to include 24-karat gold set with jade , colored stones and diamonds to create a broader appeal , " Mr. Wang said .