
  1. 天然彩色丝是指蚕本身吐出的丝就含有色素。

    The natural color of silkworm is a kind of silkworm which spit out the colorful silk itself .

  2. 用彩色丝制成的纺织品,无需漂白、印染处理,就具有自然的色泽,且织物更加柔软、富有弹性。

    Textiles made of silk color , without bleaching , dyeing and printing processing , it has a natural color , and fabric more soft and elastic .

  3. 本文还对固胶牢度进行检测,结果发现:原有的检测方法不适合于固胶彩色丝,它们条件要么太苛刻,要么比较温和。

    The results show that the original methods are not suitable for detection fastness of sericin fixation color silk . They need either too harsh condition or relatively mild .

  4. 方法:用MTT比色法评价彩色弓丝和未染色弓丝和托槽的细胞毒性,并用流式细胞仪法(FCM)检测细胞群落的DNA增殖指数。

    Method : Cytotoxicity of colored and unstained orthodontic bracket and wire against human gingival fibroblast ( HGF ) was investigated with MTT assays and the cell DNA proliferation index ( PI ) of cell groups was assessed through flow cytometry .

  5. 结论这种彩色弓丝和托槽具有良好的细胞相容性。

    Conclusion The colored orthodontic wire and bracket had good biocompatibility .

  6. 两种方法评价彩色弓丝和托槽的细胞毒性

    To evaluate the cytotoxicity of colored wire and bracket by two methods

  7. 采用脱色脱腥及食用色素染色处理海带的方法,制备了一种即食彩色海带丝。

    In this paper , an instant color shredded kelp was produced by dyeing with edible color after the removal of brown and the smell of kelp .

  8. 目的研制富有个性化的彩色正畸弓丝。

    Objective To research the characteristic colorful orthodontic stainless steel wire .

  9. 彩色不锈钢弓丝和托槽的细胞毒性研究

    Study on cytotoxicity of colored orthodontic wire and bracket

  10. 彩色正畸不锈钢弓丝的Ames试验研究

    Study on colored orthodontic stainless steel wire by Ames test

  11. 目的对应用表面化学着色工艺研制的彩色正畸不锈钢弓丝进行鼠伤寒沙门氏菌回复突变试验(Ames试验),研究材料是否具有遗传危害和潜在的致癌作用。

    Objective To study the potential mutagenicity of colored stainless steel applying chemical coloration technology for orthodontic wire by Ames test .

  12. 彩色正畸不锈钢弓丝着色工艺研究

    Investigation of chemical coloration technology for orthodontic stainless steel wire

  13. 结论应用表面化学着色工艺研制的彩色正畸不锈钢弓丝未见潜在致突变性。

    Conclusion It proves the colored stainless steel applying chemical coloration technology for orthodontic wire has no potential mutagenicity .