
  • 网络colorful touch screen
  1. 如果您的家用电器由Android控制,并且有一个彩色触摸屏,会怎么样?

    What if your household appliances were controlled by Android and boasted a color touch screen ?

  2. 采用彩色触摸屏和稳定可靠的西门子PLC控制、制袋、计量、充填、封合、打码、切袋一次性完成。

    Simens PLC control with suitable , reliable biaxial high accuracy output and color touch screen , bag-making , measuring , filling , printing , cutting , finished in one operation .

  3. 与目前的黑与白的电子图书,采用了彩色触摸屏信使。

    Unlike current black-and-white e-books , the Courier utilizes a color touchscreen .

  4. 该机器的特点还包括符合人体工程学的用户友好彩色触摸屏和方便的操作。

    The machine also features user-friendly ergonomics and convenient operation using a color touchscreen .

  5. 使用彩色触摸屏和网络通讯,自动化水平高且减少了故障点。

    And higher automation level and less failure elements by using colour touch screen and network communication .

  6. 彩色触摸屏一健操作,中、英文双语显示!

    One key operation on the intuitive menu-driven touch screen , both Chinese and English firmware avavilable .

  7. 外形:摩托罗拉360圆乎乎的表盘感觉像古董怀表一样沉重,不过它的超大彩色触摸屏更易查看。

    STYLE The fat , round face of the Moto 360 felt as weighty as an antique pocket watch , though the oversize color touch-screen face makes for easier reading .

  8. 采用PLC可编程控制器,7英寸彩色液晶触摸屏,人机对话界面。

    PLC programmed controller , 7'color touch screen , man-machine interface .

  9. 介绍一种基于嵌入式系统的彩色液晶触摸屏设计。

    A Colorful LCD touching screen design based on Embedded System was introduced .

  10. 言归正传,您有多少朋友和家人没有一款具有彩色高分辨率触摸屏,能够浏览网站和安装各种专业软件的移动电话?

    Closer to home , how many of your friends and family don 't have a color , hi-res , touch screen phone with the ability to browse Web sites and install a wide variety of specialized apps ?

  11. 着重论述触摸屏硬件接口电路设计及软件编程与调试,实现了彩色液晶显示及触摸屏控制功能,实现了页面显示及页面切换功能。

    Third , elaborating emphatically the Touch Screen hardware connection circuit design and the software programming and the debugging , realized the colored LCD and the Touch Screen control function , and the page demonstrating and the page switching function ;