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  • color printing;colour printing
彩印 [cǎi yìn]
  • [color printing] 在同一版面上用颜色不同的版分次印刷,达到彩色画面效果

彩印[cǎi yìn]
  1. 在彩印方面,它们是:洋红,黄及青蓝。

    In process colour printing , they are : magenta , yellow and cyan .

  2. 让五彩飘满神州&记遵义彩印(集团)总公司

    Zunyi Colour Printing ( Group ) General Corporation

  3. 一份独一无二的13,000词的年表贯穿彩印卷的始终,详细记述了从地球诞生到今天发生的重大历史事件。

    A unique 13,000-word timeline runs through the full-colour volume , detailing events from the Earth 's creation to the present day .

  4. 速生杨APMP浆制备及配抄彩印新闻纸研究

    A research on fast growing poplar APMP pulping and making of colored offset newsprint

  5. 用APMP浆配抄可以获得合格的高级彩印新闻纸。

    Qualified high-grade colored offset newsprint can be prepared with the APMP pulp of fast-growing poplar .

  6. 研究了用过氧化氢还原法、沉淀-还原法和次亚磷酸钠还原法从彩印漂定液废水中回收Ag和制备纳米银粉技术。

    In present paper , the techniques , for recovering Ag and producing nanometer Ag powders from the color-print fixation rinsing waste water were carried out by the hydrogen peroxide reducing method , the precipitation reducing method and the sodium hypophosphate reducing method .

  7. 公司成立于二00三年,主要从事彩印包装生产。

    Founded in2003 , mainly engaged in production of packaging color .

  8. 我们看到了从黑白到彩印的转变。

    We see the shift from black and white to color .

  9. 江门市粤鸿彩印包装有限公司!

    Jiangmen City Yuehong Color Printing and Packing Co. , Ltd.

  10. 进口彩印杂志废纸浆臭氧漂白工艺的研究

    Ozone bleaching process of heavily printed magazine waste paper

  11. 金属彩印食品罐&潮流新趋势

    A new trend in canned food : Metal decoration

  12. 本文介绍了彩印中的位移调整技术。

    This passage introduces the technology of adjusting tiny displacement in color printing .

  13. 彩印中微小位移的检测与调整

    The Tiny Displacement Adjusted and Checked in Color Printing

  14. 普通出口黄纸箱,彩印白纸箱。

    Normal export carton , Color printed white carton .

  15. 彩印过程注意轻拿轻放,防止彩印图案刮伤;

    Do light take and put , for fear offset printing design scrape ;

  16. 是四色彩印所用的颜色。

    It is used in four-colour process printing .

  17. 塑膜彩印用光电扫描头

    Photoelectric Scanning Head for Plastic Film Color Print

  18. 彩印在线色相分析与油墨配比系统

    Online Hue Analysis and Printing Oil Mixed-proportion System

  19. 色序:四色彩印时的颜色先后次序。

    Colour sequence : The order in which the four colour process is printed .

  20. 三色彩印:用黄,洋红及青蓝而不加黑的彩色印刷方法。

    Three-colour process : Process work using the yellow , magenta and cyan without black .

  21. 双层塑蜡彩印食品包装纸

    Double-layer Plastic-wax Color-printed Packing Paper for Food

  22. 色彩控制条:监管四色彩印品质所用的工具。

    Colour control strip : An aid for monitoring the quality of process colour printing .

  23. 是北美洲所用的四色彩印油墨的标准规格。

    It is the ink colour standards used in North America for process colour printing .

  24. 金属彩印系统中先进的印刷工艺设计

    Latest innovations in metal printing techniques

  25. 承接各种广告设计,彩印业务等业务!

    Continues Guangdong each kind of advertisement design , service and so on color printing service !

  26. 彩印蓝(青蓝),彩印红(洋红),黄和黑。

    They are process blur ( cyan ), process red ( magenta ), yellow and black .

  27. 本公司专业生产制造纸箱和各类彩印及塑料制品。

    Our company specializes in manufacturing cardboard boxes and various types of color printing and plastic products .

  28. 变频器在高速凹版彩印机生产线控制系统中的应用

    Application of frequency converter in control system for production line of concave format color - printing machine

  29. 一种彩印,用做手工艺术品的最好的传真复制品。

    A kind of color printing , used for the finest facsimile reproductions of works of art .

  30. 革命性金属彩印机

    Innovative metal decorating machine