
  1. QSS-2901数字彩扩机底片扫描仪浅析

    A Study on the Film Scanner of QSS-2901 Digital Photographic Printer

  2. 本文介绍了如何通过实验对QSS-2901数字彩扩机底片扫描仪的扫描分辨率及其相关参数功能进行初步测定和分析,为高质量地完成底片扫描奠定了基础。

    This paper introduces how to determine and analyse the resolution and functions of the relevant parameters of the film scanner of QSS-2901 digital photographic printer by testing experiments . In this way , it lays the foundation of high quality film scanning operation .

  3. 数码彩扩机色域匹配模型研究

    The Model of Color Gamut Mapping in Digital Photofinishing

  4. 冬季女装色彩预测数字彩扩机色域匹配技术研究

    Color gamut mapping in digital photofinishing

  5. 彩扩机混光筒空腔内光的互反射特性

    The Inter-Reflection Property of the Light in the Cavity of the Light Mixed Tube of the Color Print Processor System