
cǎi cí
  • painted porcelain;faience;decorative porcelain
彩瓷[cǎi cí]
  1. 海派花鸟画对景德镇近现代釉上彩瓷装饰的影响

    Shanghai School Flower-and-bird Painting to Jingdezhen Near Modern Glaze on Decorative Porcelain Decoration Influence

  2. 如果房檐上有精美的彩瓷装饰,说明这家主人祖上非常富有。

    Exquisite tiles and plasterwork represent wealth of the house owner .

  3. 论十八世纪纹章瓷纹章装饰对珐琅彩瓷的影响

    Influence of 18th century armorial porcelain decoration on enamel ceramics

  4. 第三章论述了海派后画家与釉上彩瓷。

    Chapter III discusses the painter , after Shanghai and ceramic glaze .

  5. 三名童子在庭中戏水船,彩瓷缸开放著粉色的荷花。

    Three children are playing in the garden by a colorful porcelain cistern planted with pink lotuses .

  6. 长沙窑彩瓷的研究

    Study on Changsha ware

  7. 浅绛彩瓷艺

    The light-reddish-purple porcelain art

  8. 从浅绛彩瓷的兴衰谈当代文人瓷绘艺术

    On the Contemporary Literati Ceramic Painting Art from the Perspective of the Rise and Fall of the Light Reddish-Purple Porcelain

  9. 本文选取海派花鸟画对景德镇近现代釉上彩瓷装饰的影响这一角度进行论述。

    This paper mainly discusses the impaction of Shanghai school flower-and-bird painting 's developing role in Jingdezhen ceramic glaze decoration .

  10. 在文章结论部分,本文提出了在当代釉上彩瓷装饰应该如何发展。

    In the article , the conclusions of this paper , decorated in contemporary ceramic glaze should be how to develop .

  11. 据苏富比、佳士得二十世纪八十年代至今的拍卖记录,中国明清官窑彩瓷年增值率为百分之二十以上。

    According to the records of Sotheby and Christie , Royal porcelain of Ming and Qing dynasty enjioyed the increment of20 % .

  12. 瓷器上的文人画&中国浅绛彩瓷简说

    Talking Briefly About The Light-reddish-purple Porcelain And " The Porcelain Painting Of Yi County " Figurines on Porcelain A brief introduction to Chinese light crimson porcelain

  13. 瓷艺家为了使自己适合在瓷上进行绘画,简化了粉彩的工艺技法,创造了类似于浅绛山水画的瓷上浅绛彩瓷。

    In order to make their own suitable for painting on porcelain , the literati painters simplified the process of powder color techniques , and created light colorful painting on porcelain similar to light colorful landscapes painting .

  14. 珐琅彩瓷秉承了历史上中国陶瓷发展的各种优点,从拉胚、成型、画工、用料、施釉、色彩、烧制的技术上是最精湛的。

    Colored enamel porcelain inherited in the history of Chinese ceramics in the development of a variety of advantages , from the embryo , forming , drawing , material , glazing , color , firing technology is the most consummate .

  15. 清朝宫廷御制瓷胎画珐琅作为彩瓷皇后,在世界制瓷史上有着至尊的地位,也是世界瓷器收藏界代表中国的一张名片。

    The qing court drive makes porcelain body painted enamel as queen " color porcelain ", porcelain making history has supreme status in the world , is also a business card to the world on behalf of the Chinese porcelain collectors .

  16. 通过瓷艺家的努力,在瓷器上将诗、书、画、印的完美结合发挥到极致,使瓷画与传统中国画结合,创造出浅绛彩瓷的全新面貌。

    Through the efforts of the literati painters , the porcelain will be " poetry , book , painting , and printing " to extremely play the perfect combination , and then porcelain painting and traditional Chinese paintings combine to create a new look Light colorful porcelain .

  17. 为十八世纪彩瓷的更新与发展找到一条新路,促使釉上彩走出传统图案风格,转入精细绘画为主的画艺装饰风格,为景德镇的彩瓷业注入全新的活力。

    It discovered a new developing road for the update and development of painted porcelain in 18th century , pushed on-glaze industry walk out of traditional design and went into a porcelain decorating style based on fine painting , infused bran-new vigor for Jingdezhen painted porcelain industry .