
cǎi qī
  • Colored paint;painted lacquer
  1. 在节日中,欢庆的人们相互投掷带有香味的、五颜六色的彩漆和香水。

    During the festival , people throw scented4 coloured powder and perfume at each other .

  2. 竹制框架的狮头上覆盖着色彩艳丽的人造皮毛、亮片、彩漆、小镜子和毛球。

    Bamboo-frame heads are covered with neon-bright faux fur , sequins , paint , tiny mirrors and pom-poms .

  3. 局部涂有彩漆或清漆的制品,三氯乙烯与碱性溶液一般不适用。

    For articles which are partially painted or varnished , trichloroethylene and alkali solutions are not generally suitable .