
  • 网络Color Film;ink film
  1. 采用ns脉冲,在暗室中用彩色胶片记录到指纹放电中的蓝色和紫红色光。

    Using ns optical pulses and color film , the blue and pink radiations from the human finger print discharge were observed experimental .

  2. 一步成像彩色胶片用染料释放化合物进展

    Advancements of Dye-releasing Compounds Used in Color Film for Instant Photography

  3. 彩色胶片护膜层的XPS研究

    The Study of Protective Layers on Color Films by X-ray Photoelectronic Spectroscopy

  4. 结果表明,这几种彩色胶片均含有机硅化物,F-400胶片可能具有双层护膜结构。

    The experimental results are as follows : protective layers is contained an organic silicon com-pound and F-400 color films has a structure with double protective layers .

  5. 人们希望得到一种简单的彩色胶片。

    It has been desired to obtain a single color film .

  6. 彩色胶片全息存储新技术

    A New Technique for the Archival Storage of Color Films

  7. 化学环境对彩色胶片品红退色的影响

    Effect of Chemical Environment on Fading of Magenta Color Films

  8. 利用傅里叶变换全息图实现彩色胶片存储

    Archival storage of color films using Fourier transform holograms

  9. 彩色胶片上的亮度和颜色是不可分割的。

    Brightness and color are inseparable in color films .

  10. 彩色胶片感蓝染料的合成

    Synthesis of blue - sensitive dye for color film

  11. 铁蓝&活性炭生物膜法处理彩色胶片水洗废水的研究

    Study on Treatment of Colour Film Rinsing Wastewater by Ferrous-Activated Carbon Biological Membrane

  12. 横向面积分割法在彩色胶片存贮中的应用

    The Application of Transverse Area Partition Technique in the Archives Storage of Color Films

  13. 缩微胶片,已曝光和显影日光彩色胶片冲洗机

    Microfilm exposed and developed daylight color film processor

  14. 并逐一介绍每种成色剂的结构、应用及其在彩色胶片中的作用原理。

    Their structure , application and mechanism of each type of couplers are described .

  15. 彩色胶片的正确选择及曝光控制

    Correct Choice and Exposure Control of Colour Fims

  16. 本文提出一种利用傅里叶变换全息图存储彩色胶片的方法。

    A method for storage of color films using Fourier transform holograms isp resented .

  17. 柯达新一代彩色胶片用照相有机物的最新进展

    The recent developments of photographic organic compounds used in the modern generation of Kodak color films

  18. 黑白染料胶片是继彩色胶片之后发展起来的一种新型黑白胶片品种。

    Chromogenic black and white photographic film is a new emergent type of black and white film .

  19. 本文提出一种利用全息透镜实现彩色胶片全息高密度存储的方法。

    A new method to realize holographic storage of color films with high-density is presented in this paper .

  20. 所以成像成色剂(主体成色剂)对彩色胶片的质量起着关键的作用。

    Therefore , the image and colour formation agents give the key action on the quality of colour .

  21. 日光彩色胶片冲洗机

    Daylight color film processor

  22. 内偶法多层彩色胶片

    Tripack coupler-containing color film

  23. 本文综述了黄、品、青成色剂及功能性成色剂近年来的发展状况及其在彩色胶片中的应用。

    Recent development on the research of yellow , magenta , cyan and functional couplers and their use in color films are reviewed .

  24. 本文描述了采用上述的方法来评估和分析彩色胶片与数字照相的现状。

    This paper describes the result of the application of the above stated method to color films and digital still cameras at the present .

  25. 本文介绍利用横向面积分割法拍制彩虹全息图进行彩色胶片存贮的实验。

    In this paper , we introduce a method to take rainbow holograms with transversearea partition technique and its application in archives storage of color films .

  26. 综述了一步成像彩色胶片用染料释放化合物的结构分类,成像原理和进展。

    This paper presents a review on the recent advancements of dye-releasing compounds used in color film for instant photography , and outlines their structure and classification .

  27. 提出了对彩色胶片进行颜色测量时所用的红色、绿色和蓝色峰值位置,半波宽度和峰值允差。

    The corresponding peak value position , half band-width and peak value 's allowance of Red , Green and Blue of color measurements of color negative films are provided .

  28. 又过了一段时间,颜色丰富的彩色胶片问世了,笨重的第一代相机逐渐让位于最终被我们所有人视为理所当然的流线形机身。

    Rich color film appeared a little while later , and the clunkiness of the first cameras gave way to the sleek , streamlined bodies we all eventually took for granted .

  29. 本文综述了近些年来,在采用改变多层彩色胶片乳剂层排列结构的新途径,以提高彩色负片的感光度。

    This paper presents a review on the advancement achieved in recent years for increasing the speed of color negative film by a new means of modifying the arrangement of emulsions layers in multi-layer color film .

  30. 彩色胶片分析系统主要根据捕获图象的颜色来判断胶片的曝光量和色偏程度,因此要保持系统输入到输出彩色的一致性。

    A colorful film analyzing system primarily judges exposure and color cast degree of a film according to the color of the captured image , so the consistency from the system input to output color should be maintained .