
  1. 变价元素铋掺杂钨酸铅晶体辐照损伤的研究

    Study on Irradiation Damage of Bi-Doped PbWO_4 Crystal

  2. 铀是变价元素,还原体(体系)在铀富集过程中起着相当重要的作用。

    Uranium is an element of variable valency .

  3. 一些过渡元素对玻璃的介电性能能产生较大影响,一些变价元素对玻璃介电性能影响较复杂。

    Some transition elements greatly affect the dielectric properties of other glass ; some variable valence elements have complex effects in other glass system .

  4. 带有表面电荷及含有变价元素的天然铁锰氧化物及氢氧化物具有良好的表面吸附与氧化还原等化学活性。

    Natural oxides and hydroxides of iron and manganese with surface charges and variable valence elements have relative surface activities on absorption , oxidation and reduction .

  5. 稀土精矿粉尘的毒性鉴定粉尘中变价元素的含量可能影响其毒性。

    The content of variable valence elements in dusts could influence their cytotoxicity and the surface charge of dusts was not a stable factor on their toxicity .

  6. 因而,异化铁还原过程将有效的与土壤中有机质代谢、变价元素的形态转化过程相偶连,所以其具有重要的地学和环境意义。

    So the dissimilatory Fe ( III ) reduction has important geological and environmental significance because this process can relate with the organic metabolize and volatile element form translation .

  7. 为研究变价元素在活性炭颗粒上的吸附行为及吸附过程中的价态转化,以阐明高锰酸钾的吸附实质,作者考察了高锰酸盐在活性炭颗粒上的吸附情况以及外界条件对吸附作用的影响。

    In this paper , the adsorption behavior of permanganate onto activated carbon particles was studied as a function of pH , flow rate and the concentration of permanganate .

  8. 铁和锰是自然界中常见的变价元素,在沉积环境中带有表面电荷的天然铁锰氧化物和氢氧化物是典型的潜在氧化剂。

    Iron and manganese are common variable valence elements in nature . In the sedimentary environment , the natural Iron and manganese oxides and hydroxides with surface charges is typical of the potential oxidant .

  9. 在沉积环境中,带有表面电荷、含有变价元素的天然铁锰氧化物是典型的潜在氧化剂,能与还原性的酚类化合物发生反应,从而减轻对动植物的毒害。

    Natural oxides of iron and manganese with surface charges and variable valence elements have favorable surface activities . Being the typical and potential oxidants , they can decompose and oxidize reducing phenolic compounds in sedimentary environment , and the oxidative degradation abates poison to fauna and flora .