
  • 网络Fluorosis;chronic fluorosis
  1. 慢性氟中毒对大鼠大脑DNA和RNA含量的影响

    Influence of chronic fluorosis on the dna , RNA contents of brain in rats

  2. SOD诱生剂对慢性氟中毒脑损伤的保护作用

    Protective effect of SOD inducer on brain damage caused by chronic fluorosis

  3. 结论慢性氟中毒所致的神经细胞凋亡可能与激活G蛋白或氧化应激有关。

    Conclusions The mechanism of neurone apoptosis from the chronic fluorosis is likely relative with active G proteins and oxidative stress .

  4. 结果慢性氟中毒时脑组织中的BCLx表达未受明显影响;

    Results The correlation gene of apoptosis determine results indicate : expression level of Bcl x of chronic fluorosis group in brain does not suffer to effect obviously ;

  5. 目的观察慢性氟中毒对小鼠切牙成釉细胞骨形成蛋白-2(BMP-2)表达的影响,探讨氟斑牙的致病机制。

    Objective To investigate the expression of BMP-2 in mice incisor enamel organ cells under chronic fluoride exposure and elucidate the mechanism of dental fluorosis .

  6. 方法建立小鼠慢性氟中毒氟斑牙模型,SABC免疫组化法检测下切牙成釉器细胞内BMP-2的表达分布。

    Methods A dental fluorosis mouse model was established . The expression of BMP - 2 in enamel organ cells of the mice mandibular incisor was examined by using SABC immunohistochemistry .

  7. 选40日龄的雌性大鼠以150ppm的高氟水喂饲60日,造成大鼠慢性氟中毒,表现为血氟升高及门齿斑釉的出现。当大鼠100日龄时与正常雄鼠交配。

    Female rats at the age of 40 days were fed with high fluoride ( 150ppm ) drinking water for 60 days .

  8. 结果慢性氟中毒大鼠中缝大核5-HT神经元减少,胞质内5-HT阳性反应颗粒减少且界限不清,显微图像分析仪定量检测神经元内5-HT含量降低。

    Results The results showed that the number of 5-HT positive neurons in nucleus raphe magnus decreased in fluorosis group with the declared 5-HT positive particles in cytoplasm . With cell image analysis , the 5-HT contents in the 5-HT neurons decreased significantly in fluorosis group .

  9. 不同硒水平对慢性氟中毒大鼠的保护作用

    The protection of different selenium level to rats with chronic fluorosis

  10. 鸡慢性氟中毒部分器官病理变化研究

    Study on the pathology of fluorosis on chicken 's viscera organs

  11. 慢性氟中毒与环境中氟的关系

    Relationship between chronic fluoride poisoning and fluoride level in the environment

  12. 复方当归制剂对慢性氟中毒大鼠抗氧化系统的影响

    Effects of Compound Danggui on Anti-oxidation System in Chronic Fluorosis Rats

  13. 慢性氟中毒小白鼠哺育的仔鼠生长情况

    The growth change of pups feed by mouse with chronic fluorosis

  14. 慢性氟中毒患者及大鼠红细胞扫描电镜研究

    SEM study on the erythrocytes of patients and rats with chronic fluorosis

  15. 慢性氟中毒大鼠心肌的超微结构

    The ultrastructure of cardiac muscle in rats with chronic fluorosis

  16. 慢性氟中毒对大白鼠免疫功能的影响

    The effect of fluorosis on the immunological function of rat

  17. 慢性氟中毒大鼠血脂及载脂蛋白的变化

    Observation on change of lipidemia and lipoprotein in wistar rats with fluorosis

  18. 慢性氟中毒对甲状腺影响的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Effect of Chronic Fluorosis to the Thyroid Gland

  19. 亚慢性氟中毒影响大鼠骨转换的动态分析

    Dynamic analysis of effects of subchronic fluorosis on bone turnover in rats

  20. 慢性氟中毒水牛的生化指标及诊断意义

    The study on biochemical indices of buffalo fluorosis and their diagnostic value

  21. 慢性氟中毒时大鼠催乳素由循环血中清除速率的研究

    Study on metabolic clearance rate of prolactin from circulation blood during chronic fluorosis

  22. 慢性氟中毒与成骨细胞激活

    Endothelial Progenitor Cell s Chronic fluorosis and osteoblastic activation

  23. 慢性氟中毒鸡精子质量测定研究

    The Chicken Determination the Changes of Rooster Sperm Quality Induced by Chronic Fluorosis

  24. 慢性氟中毒小鼠脑氟含量测定

    Determination of Fluoride in Mice Brains with Chronic Fluorosis

  25. 慢性氟中毒大鼠中缝大核硫胺素焦磷酸酶细胞化学研究

    Enzymatic cytochemical studies on neurons in nucleus raphe magnus of chronic fluorosis rats

  26. 慢性氟中毒时兔牙含氟量与几种解毒剂的关系

    The relation between fluoride content and several toxicide in rabbit teeth with chronic fluorosis

  27. 慢性氟中毒对小鼠学习记忆行为和运动耐力的影响

    The influence of chronic fluorosis on learning memory behavior and physical stamina of mice

  28. 慢性氟中毒鼠神经元与细胞凋亡相关基因的研究

    Study of the correlation gene of neurone apoptosis in rats from the chronic fluorosis

  29. 慢性氟中毒患者认知功能缺损的初步研究

    Study of Cognitive Function impairment caused by fluorosis

  30. 慢性氟中毒对大鼠胰岛机能与形态的影响

    Changes of morphology and function of pancreatic island in rats with chronic fluoride poisoning