
  1. “快生活”与“慢生活”:完美生活归于何方?

    Fast or Slow : Is There A Perfect Lifestyle ?

  2. 徜徉在蓝色多瑙河畔,尽享匈牙利的奢侈慢生活。

    Walking along the bank of Danube , enjoying the relaxing life of Hungary .

  3. 对调研中发现的问题进行归纳总结,在此基础上对在职人慢生活态度及其能力养成提出相应的措施和建议。

    Countermeasures and suggestions are proposed on the basis of summarizing the problems found in the research .

  4. 慢生活的核心理念和追求的生活状态,与休闲农业景观的发展相辅相成。

    The core concept and the state of living of slow urban life comply with the recreational development of complementary agricultural landscape .

  5. 对“慢生活”的呼吁、对自然及环境的尊重与崇拜是树博馆所引发的重要情感需求。

    The awakening to a need for'slow life ' , and respect and admiration for nature and the environment are key elements evoked by the Tree Museum .

  6. 时间、注意力、更特别一些,那种让我们的体验更深刻的能力所有慢生活带来的礼物都是让我们的生活因简单的快乐而更丰富多彩的意义。

    Time , attention , and most especially , the ability to go deep into our experiences all gifts of minimalist and smaller living are the critical ingredients for a life to be rich with simple joys .

  7. 城市慢生活作为与城市快速、高效发展相对应的新型城市发展理念,提倡亲近自然,顺应自然,来舒缓心情、排解压力,让工作、学习与生活能够平衡发展。

    According with the fast and efficient development of the concept of new urban development , slow urban life advocates nature intimation close to nature and in harmony with nature in order to ease the mood and relieve the pressure and keep balance in study and life .

  8. 休闲农业为慢生活理念相对应的慢生活行为提供环境;而慢生活为休闲农业提供回归自然,回归心灵,回归传统,回归健康的营造理念。

    As the behaviors corresponding to the concept of slow life , leisure agriculture provides specific performance of the external environment . Also the slow life provides the leisure agriculture with the concept of returning to the mind , returning to the traditional , and returning to health .

  9. 人们享受着慢节奏生活带来的宁静。

    People enjoyed the tranquility of a slower pace of life .

  10. 有一部分慢节奏生活的确保留了下来。

    Bits of the slow life did survive .

  11. 塔斯马尼亚是澳大利亚唯一的岛屿州,淳朴的乡村气息和悠闲慵懒的慢节奏生活常常让人不禁联想起20世纪50年代的英国。

    Tasmania is countrified and slow-paced ; accepted wisdom likens it to Britain in the 1950s .

  12. 喜欢音乐、阅读,喜欢秋天,喜欢狗,喜欢慢拍生活。

    Like music , reading , like autumn , like dogs , like the slow beat of life .

  13. 其实想想,做个中庸的人也不错。你说慢节奏生活好,我附和着。

    It is good to be an ordinary person at hard thought When you said slow pace is fine , I back you a lot .

  14. 肿瘤患者化疗后产生的副反应明显,恢复过程慢,生活质量随之下降,容易再次出现复发或转移。

    After chemotherapy cancer patients have side effects will slow down the recovery process , effects their quality of life , result to relapse or metastasis .

  15. 该报告还指出,由于深圳是座充满活力的城市,因此吸引年轻就业者,而成都的美食和慢节奏生活使其颇具吸引力。

    The report also said Shenzhen attracts younger employees because it is a dynamic city , while Chengdu 's great food and low-paced life make it tempting .

  16. 皮斯表示,如果说她在塞拉利昂这两年能做什么的话,她希望把美国人这种“我有能力做到”的文化言传身教给那里的人,同时好好享受塞拉利昂人慢节奏生活的乐趣。

    Pease says if she can do anything in her two years here , she hopes to be able to pass on the ' can-do " culture of her homeland and to absorb the joys of Sierra Leone 's slower pace of life .

  17. 可是正如我们刚才所指出的,凡是钻在一种学问或是一种癖好里,或者这是常有的事,两种同时都钻的头脑,才能很慢被生活中的事物所渗透。

    However , as we have just pointed out , brains which are absorbed in some bit of wisdom , or folly , or , as it often happens , in both at once , are but slowly accessible to the things of actual life .

  18. 很多人满足于比别人慢半拍的生活。

    Many people are comfortable with life in the slow lane .

  19. 又或者只是花些时间慢下来品味生活。

    Or even simply just taking the time to slow down and savor your life .

  20. 这也爱好QQ中心意味着他们的生活没有太大压力,就像他们的父母一样,学会一种慢节奏的生活。

    It also means their lives are less stressed out , as are ours , and they learn a slower pace of life .

  21. 快节奏还是慢节奏的生活?

    Living at a fast pace , or a slow pace ?

  22. 我们来这里是要享受一下慢节奏的生活的,你忘了吗?

    We 're here to enjoy a slower pace of life , remember ?

  23. 午餐和午休后人们从家里出来,慢节奏的生活开始了。

    Life starts again slowly , as people emerge from their homes after dinner and a siesta .

  24. 在现如今信息爆炸、节奏加速的社会中,人们更需要的是心灵的归属与慢节奏的生活方式。

    Under the explosive growth of information and quickening pace of life , what people eager for are inner peace and slower rhythm of life .

  25. 我的作业已经做完了——慢节奏社交生活的产物——但还有几道三角函数题我不能肯定自己做对了。

    My homework was done - the product of a slow social life - but there were a few Trig problems I wasn 't sure I had right .

  26. 没有具体哪件事情印象特别深刻,更多的是这些年来总的体会:与自然近在咫尺,简单、有点慢节奏的生活,但也关注外面发生的事情。

    Not any particular things but the whole experience : being in the near of nature , living simply and living slowly , yet knowing what 's going on outside , and most importantly , take time for myself .

  27. 品牌核心诉求点:“慢调悠闲生活”:生活简朴而优雅,简单而慵懒的生活方式,浓厚的艺术气息,宁静而和谐,在沉稳质感中融入悠闲舒适。

    Core demands of the brand : " Slow adjustment leisurely life ": Life simple and elegant , simple and lazy way of life , strong art , quiet and harmonious , calm in the integration of leisure in comfort .

  28. 他的气质与慢而单调的生活节奏不谐调。

    His temperament does not harmonize with a slow , even pace of life .

  29. 哭泣能帮助我慢下来不被生活的逆境所压垮。

    Crying helps me slow down and not obsessive worried of life 's problems . You know what ?

  30. 结论:对小脑髓母细胞瘤尽量应做到手术全切除,解除脑脊液循环梗阻,术后辅以放射治疗等综合治疗,可明显减少或延慢复发,改善生活质量,延长生存期。

    Conclusion : With trying to get total removal of tumor , relieving obstruction of cerebrospinal fluid circulation . Combining with radiotherapy and other supplementary therapy , We can decrease the incidence of relapse and enhance patient 's life quality and prolong survial period .