
  • 网络Leading Poisoning;chronic lead poisoning;plumbism
  1. 复方雷公藤煎剂对慢性铅中毒治疗效果的临床观察

    Clinical Observation in Treating Chronic Plumbism of Compound Tripterygium Wilfordii Decoction

  2. 慢性铅中毒诊断指标与诊断标准的研究

    Investigation on Diagnostic Indices and Diagnostic Criteria in Chronic Lead Poisoning

  3. 慢性铅中毒性肾损害患者EDTA驱铅效果分析

    Curative effect of EDTA on kidney injury caused by chronic lead poisoning

  4. 目的:通过建立亚慢性铅中毒动物模型探讨醋酸铅对雄性小鼠睾丸细胞DNA的损伤,为进一步了解其毒性作用机制提供科学依据。

    Object : To establish the model of subchronic lead exposure in mice , and explore the effect of DNA damage of testicular cells in order to provide the scientific basis for further understanding of the mechanism of testicular toxicity .

  5. 1990~2004年龙岩市慢性铅中毒病例分析

    Analysis on Lead Poisoning Cases in Longyan City during 1990 to 2004

  6. 慢性铅中毒肾损害临床研究

    Clinical Study on kidney Injury by Chronic Ph Poisoning

  7. 蓄电池充电工慢性铅中毒一例报告

    Case report of chronic lead poisoning of a worker undertaking charge operation with storage batteries

  8. 幼儿误服含铅涂料,生导致慢性铅中毒。

    The infant mistake contains the coating of lead , living to cause chronic lead poisoning .

  9. 慢性铅中毒一例

    One Case with Chronic Lead Poisoning

  10. 魔芋精粉对大鼠消化道铅吸收和慢性铅中毒的影响

    Effects of refined konjac powder on gastrointestinal absorption of lead and chronic lead poisoning in rats

  11. 能有效地将慢性铅中毒小鼠机体组织中蓄积的铅排出体外;

    It could effectively eliminate the accumulated lead from the tissue of the chronic lead intoxicated mice .

  12. 某蓄电池厂空气中铅的检测与工人慢性铅中毒调查

    Investigation of Chronic Lead Poisoning and Determination of Lead Concentration in The Air of An Accumulator Plant

  13. 职业性慢性铅中毒12例,均吸入铅烟、铅尘所致。

    In 12 occupational chronic lead poisoning cases , all of them have history inhaling lead smog or lead dust .

  14. 目的探讨慢性铅中毒幼鼠血铅、锌、铜、铁、钙水平变化。

    Objective To investigate the changes of lead , zinc , copper , iron and calcium in blood of chronic poisoned infantal mice .

  15. 仅以血铅值来划分中毒程度欠妥,还应以现行国家慢性铅中毒诊断标准综合分析进行中毒分级。

    Using alone blood lead levels to divide patients into poisoning degree is not good enough , complex utilization of the national diagnostic criteria for lead poisoning is reasonable .

  16. 本文报道了20例用锡壶饮酒引起慢性铅中毒误诊的病人,列举了典型病例,分析了误诊原因。

    In this article twenty misdiagnosis cases of chronic lead poisoning caused by tin drinking pot are reported , the typical cases of them are enumerated and the reasons for misdiagnosis are analysed .

  17. [方法]对1990~2004年龙岩市职业病防治院和市以上职业病中毒诊断小组确诊的慢性铅中毒患者资料进行分析。

    [ Methods ] To analyze the data of the lead poisoning cases during 1990 to 2004 diagnosed determinately by Longyan hospital for occupational disease control and prevention and the diagnosis groups for occupational disease .

  18. 报道了深圳市626名1-7岁儿童头发中铅的含量,有279名儿童可能有慢性铅中毒的危险,占儿童总数的44.41%。

    The content of Pb in 626 children aged 1 - 7 in Shenzhen city was reported . It showed that there were 279 children with chronic saturnism ( taking up 44.41 % of the total ) .

  19. 职业性慢性混合铅中毒1例分析

    Clinical analysis on one case of occupational chronic lead poisoning

  20. 职业性慢性重度铅中毒合并中毒性脑病3例报告

    Report on 3 cases of occupational chronic severe lead poisoning with toxic encephalopathy

  21. 工业铅镉污染区动物慢性铅镉中毒的综合防治

    Comprehensive prophylaxis and treatment to chronic lead-cadmium poisoning of domestic animals in the industrial areas

  22. 慢性职业性铅中毒肾功能观察

    Observations on Renal Function in Occupational Chronic Plumbism

  23. 在人群中更为普遍的是慢性低水平铅中毒。

    A chronic , low-level intoxication of lead is more common in the general population .

  24. 329例慢性职业性铅中毒患者驱铅治疗前后的心电图变化

    Analysis on the changes of ECG in 329 cases of chronic occupational lead poisoning before and after deleading therapy