
  • 网络slow fading;slow fade;long-term fading
  1. MIMO系统在慢衰落信道中的实用反馈方案

    A Utility Feedback Approach Applied in Slow Fading Channels for MIMO Systems

  2. 针对OFDM窄带慢衰落信道在移动传输环境下的时变特性,提出了一种基于灰建模的信道估计算法。

    A novel grey modeling based estimation for narrow slow fading time-varying OFDM channels in mobile environments is proposed .

  3. 适于多径慢衰落信道的RAKE接收机的DSP实现

    Go Slow DSP realization of rake receiver in multipath fading channel

  4. Turbo码在瑞利慢衰落信道中的性能仿真与分析

    Performance Analysis of Turbo Codes Over Rayleigh Slow-Fading Channels

  5. Turbo网格编码调制结合两典型映射在慢衰落信道下的性能分析

    Using turbo trellis coded modulation with two typical mapping strategies over rayleigh fading channels

  6. 本文对系统在多径Rayleigh慢衰落信道中的性能,进行了理论分析和计算机仿真。

    The system performance is investigated for a multipath , slow Rayleigh fading channel .

  7. 慢衰落多径信道下DS-CDMA信号传输时延的估计

    Estimation of propagation delay of DS-CDMA signals in slow fading multipath channels

  8. 慢衰落信道中Turbo乘积编码PSAM的研究

    A study of turbo product coded PSAM in slowly fading channels

  9. 针对慢衰落信道的特点,提出了在衰落信道中Turbo码的构造方法;分析了慢衰落信道特性及其对Turbo码性能的影响;

    The design of Turbo-codes in flat fading channel is provided , and the effects of channel characteristics on Turbo-codes are analysed .

  10. 研究结果还表明:采用内分组交织可以有效地抵抗Ka频段卫星通信信道的非频率选择性慢衰落。

    The studies also show that simple block interleaving is very effective in combating the slow frequency nonselective fading of Ka band .

  11. 提出了一种可变码长编码方式,其应用于慢衰落信道中的基于有限反馈迫零预编码的多用户MIMO系统。

    A method of variable length coding is proposed in this paper , which is employed in multiuser limited feedback MIMO system using zero-forcing precoding in slow fading channels .

  12. 分析仿真结果表明,在慢衰落信道下,相比单收OFDM系统,采用物理层网络编码的两跳多中继传输方案的译码性能没有退化且具有更好的分集性能。

    Results show that , in the slow fading channel , the proposed scheme has a better diversity performance , and the decoding performance is not degraded , compared to single-income OFDM system .

  13. 提出了一种基于滤波多音频(FMT)调制技术的自适应功率及比特分配方法,该方法可应用于频率选择性慢衰落信道中。

    An adaptive bit and power loading scheme in FMT system is proposed over frequency selective slow fading channel .

  14. 考虑到慢衰落信道在一段较长时间内的信道变化可以忽略不计,提出了使用基于LMS和RLS自适应滤波的信道估计方法。

    Considering the varying can be ignored in a long time for slow fading channel , we proposed adaptive filter channel estimation based on LMS and RLS algorithms .

  15. 使用Matlab语言分别在加性高斯白噪声(AWGN)信道和带有加性高斯白噪声的慢衰落频率非选择性多径信道下仿真了该系统。

    Matlab was used to simulate the design , which was tested in both an additive white Gaussian noise ( AWGN ) channel and in a slow fading frequency nonselective multipath channel with AWGN .

  16. 慢衰落信道分集的性能极限与turbo-code的应用

    Performance Limits of Diversity in Slow Fading Channel and the Applications of Turbo Code

  17. 仿真结果表明,在AWGN信道和Payleigh慢衰落信道中,该算法的误比特率性能都优于传统的匹配滤波(MF)检测算法;

    The results of simulation show that the new ML detection algorithm is better than the conventional matched filtering ( MF ) detection algorithm in both AWGN and Rayleigh slowly fading channels .

  18. 单径慢衰落信道模型中带有频差的NOrth-MDPSK性能评估

    Performance evaluation of NOrth-MDPSK with frequency offset in single path slow fading channel model

  19. 结果表明,在Rayleigh慢衰落信道上采用这种检测器,相对于工作此信道上的最佳固定门限检测器,在不同输入信噪比情况下,其平均误码率约有半个数量级的改善。

    The results of analysis show that : the average probability of error for digital data communication in slow Rayleigh fading channel is less one half magnitude than the optimized threshold detection with fading signal at same mean SNR .

  20. 提出了在慢衰落信道中引导符号辅助调制(PSAM)系统中Turbo乘积编码的实现方法和相应的迭代译码技术,这种技术有效改善了慢衰落信道中QAM调制系统的性能。

    This paper presents the method of turbo coded pilot symbol assisted modulation ( PSAM ) and its iterative decoding , which could improve the performance of QAM in slowly fading channels .

  21. 仿真结果表明,快衰落信道下动态LMS算法接近理想性能;慢衰落信道下动态LMS算法和全局优化算法结合应用,可以接近理想性能。

    Simulation result shows that dynamical LMS algorithm is close to the optimum in fast fading channel , and the combination of dynamical LMS algorithm and global optimization is close to the optimum in slow fading channel in efficiency .

  22. 最后,在讨论了平坦慢衰落信道的基础上,将RAKE分集技术和多用户检测技术相结合应用于多径的频率选择性慢衰落信道,以达到改良系统的性能的目的。

    Finally , the application of MUD in the frequency-flat slowly fading multi-path channel is introduced , and to enhance the system efficiency the joint use of the RAKE receiver and MUD is applied in the frequency-selective slowly fading multi-path channel .

  23. 在信道估计部分,文中对本系统应用的慢衰落信道下的LS、MMSE和SVD等算法进行了仿真分析。

    And in the Channel Estimation part , due to our scheme applied to the slow fading channel , the performances of the LS algorithm , the MMSE algorithm and the SVD algorithm are compared in a given slow fading channel .

  24. 在建立有限带宽信号的多径衰落信道传输模型的基础上,提出了一种适合于慢衰落信道特性的降阶联合信道跟踪与最大似然均衡算法DPSP。

    Based on the analysis of channel model for band limited signals , a suboptimal D PSP ( Dimension down PSP ) algorithm is presented in this paper , which agrees with the slow fading characteristic of multi path channels .

  25. 针对N进制正交扩频和MDPSK复合调制(NOrth-MDPSK),分析了单径慢衰落信道模型中带有频差时的误比特率。

    Focusing on combined N-ary orthogonal spread spectrum and M-ary differential phase shift keying ( NOrth-MDPSK ), this paper investigates the bit error rate ( BER ) with frequency offset in single path slow fading channel model .

  26. 该文针对单径慢衰落信道模型下的相干DS-SS/MPSK系统,分析了频差对系统性能的影响,得到了误比特率的封闭表达式。

    Focusing on coherent DS-SS / MPSK system in single path slow fading channel model , this paper analyzes the effect of frequency offset on system performance , and the closed-form Bit Error Rate ( BER ) expressions are also obtained .

  27. 宽带衰落信道中慢衰落信号的实时测量

    Real-Time Measurement of Slow Fading Signal in Wideband Fading Channel

  28. 协作分集技术能够在慢衰落无线环境中提供显著的性能增益。

    Cooperative diversity can provide dramatic gains in slow fading wireless environments .

  29. 分形调制在平坦慢衰落信道中的性能分析

    Performance Analysis of Fractal Modulation in AWGN and Rayleigh Slow-flat Fading Channels

  30. 这种技术可适用于低速移动台在慢衰落信道下的盲检测。

    This method can work under slow fading channels .