
màn bù
  • Jogging;jog trot;slow steps;amble;slow time;shag
慢步 [màn bù]
  • [slow steps;jog trot;shag] 脚步缓慢;缓慢的脚步

慢步[màn bù]
  1. 他们在街上慢步行进。

    They were proceeding down the street at a slow walk .

  2. 那匹马在石子小路上慢步小跑。

    The horse cantered up the pebble path .

  3. 初登险峰时,最好放慢步。

    To climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first .

  4. 右行礼让,慢步轻声。

    Keep to the right politely , walk slowly and softyly .

  5. 迫使他们慢步运球至前场。

    Make them have to walk it down the court .

  6. 渐渐地,人们慢步走回剧场去看下半场戏。

    Gradually people trickled back into the theatre for the second half .

  7. 父亲每天清晨上班前要在公园里慢步小跑一阵。

    Father jogs in the park every morning before going to work .

  8. 教练让运动员绕着操场慢步跑。

    The coach had the players jogging around the playground .

  9. 稳步以慢步调奔跑的人(通常为了锻炼)。

    Someone who runs a steady slow pace ( usually for exercise ) .

  10. 慢步徐行,却毅然向前,从不止息,

    Urging slowly , surely forward , forming endless ,

  11. 我们在长凳上休息了许久之后便慢步向博物馆走去。

    After a long rest on the bench we moseyed up to the museum .

  12. 可是那慢步探戈舞已经开始了。

    But the slow street tango had begun .

  13. 夕阳下,慢步采田木桥上;

    Sunset , walk the bridge taken Tianmu ;

  14. 我们开始慢步走在白色十字架中间,一边看着姓名。

    We started to walk slowly among the white crosses looking at the names .

  15. 慢步利肠胃,

    gentle walking for the stomach ;

  16. 他继续走了仿佛很长的时间,走的始终是那种慢步。

    He went on for what seemed a long time , always at a walking pace .

  17. 他们当时停下脚步,屏息静气,黑熊终于慢步走开了,没打扰他们。

    But they stopped , stayed quiet and finally the bears went away slowly without bothering them .

  18. 所以他慢步前行,而那看不见的伙伴就在他身边走着,就在他身边呼吸。

    So he went on at a walking pace and the unseen companion walked and breathed beside him .

  19. 为什么当马做慢步、快步、慢跑或大步慢跑时骑手的感觉是如此的不同?

    Why do the walk , the trot , and the canter or lope feel so different to a rider ?

  20. 我们长期被化石燃料和核能主宰的全球能源经济,正缓慢步入一个危险而不稳定的终局。

    Our global energy economy , long-powered by fossil fuels and nuclear , is spiralling into a dangerous and unstable endgame .

  21. 当整个世界都告诉你要跟上脚步的时候,放慢步调,给自己时间再去做决定,

    It 's choosing to slow down when the world tells you to keep up ; giving yourself time to make decisions

  22. 因为所有的关节屈曲更明显,所以步幅比中度慢步稍短且稍为抬高。

    The steps cover less ground and are higher than at the medium walk , because all the joints bend more markedly .

  23. 他们常常慢步前进,因为他们守候的总统先生就是这么缓缓而行。

    They are generally going at a slow trot , as that is the pace set them by the one they wait upon .

  24. 马车逐渐转成慢步,隆隆地摇晃着在夏夜的馨香中向坡上爬去。

    Gradually , it subsided to a foot pace , swinging and lumbering upward among the many sweet scents of a summer night .

  25. 为了避免变得性急和不规整,缩短慢步应比中度慢步的步幅短,但是要表现出更大的活力。

    In order not to become hurried or irregular , the collected walk is shorter than the medium walk , although showing greater activity .

  26. 当落日走进他的墓穴的时候,我骑一匹老马慢步游荡在如染的天幕下。

    When the sunset was going to the grave of Apollo , I rode an old horse wandered slowly beneath the last dyed curtain-sky .

  27. 老鹰在起飞前先展开它的翅膀。两人徐展双臂慢步前进,如双鹰盘旋;

    The eagle expanded its wings before flying . They begin to move forward slowly with their arms spread , like two eagles hovering .

  28. 那些在月光下慢步巴黎的女人,能享受到接受一个满口乳牙、圆圆脸蛋的小男孩的邀请而共舞的快乐吗?

    If only those women strolling under the Paris moon knew the joy of such an invitation made by a round-cheeked boy with baby teeth .

  29. 因此,我慢步向他跑过去。在他爬着寻找眼镜时,我看到了他眼中的泪水。

    So , I jogged over to him and as he crawled around looking for his glasses , and I saw a tear in his eye .

  30. 他小心翼翼地慢步下来,深怕他假装出来的那种意外会真的发生。

    Then he descended with cautious and slow step , for he dreaded lest an accident similar to that he had so adroitly feigned should happen in reality .