
  • 网络moderating process
  1. 超热电子的阻止功率及其在慢化过程中引起的轫致谱

    Stopping power of SUPERTHERMAL electrons and resulted bremsstrahlung spectra in laser plasma

  2. 考虑到实际交通条件下司机对于速度、距离等信息的感知是模糊的,可以将模糊推理机制引入到车辆的随机慢化过程中。

    Considering that the reactions of drivers to their velocity and distance are fuzzy , fuzzy illation mechanism can be introduced into the randomization process of a single vehicle .

  3. 对于核燃料棒235U富集度均匀性扫描装置,为了合理有效地利用252Cf中子源,提高检测灵敏度,需要合理选择中子慢化材料,优化中子慢化过程。

    In order to use ~ ( 252 ) Cf source effectively and improve testing sensitivity of the nuclear fuel scanner , appropriate moderation material should be selected carefully , and the process of neutron moderation should be optimized .

  4. 本文将快电子在介质中慢化的Landau理论应用于快带电粒子在聚变等离子体中慢化过程的研究。

    The extended Landau theory about slowing down of electron traversing through matter has been applied to the investigation of slowing down of fast charged particles passing through fusion plasma .