
  • 网络slow cooling
  1. 慢冷不仅在凝固阶段是必需的,而且在该阶段以下直到800℃。

    Slow cooling is necessary not only in the solidification range but also under the solidification range down to 800 ℃ .

  2. 观察了经300℃退火并分别快冷和慢冷的铝箔表面的电化学腐蚀结构。

    The surface corrosion structures of aluminum foils , which were annealed at 300 ℃ followed by rapid and slow cooling respectively , were observed after electrochemical etching .

  3. 熔融慢冷工艺制备的YBCO体材的临界电流密度

    Critical Current Density in YBCO Bulk Prepared by Melt-Slow Cooling Process

  4. 报道了采用熔融慢冷工艺制备具有织构生长的YBCO体材的方法。

    A melt-slow cooling processing method for the fabrication of YBCO bulk with texture growth is Presented in this Paper .

  5. 报道了用熔融慢冷工艺制备的YBCO的微观结构与临界电流特性。

    The microstructure and critical current properties of the YBCO prepared by the melt and slowly cooling process are reported .

  6. 常规轧制后快速冷却要优于低温轧制后慢冷试样的力学性能;

    The mechanical properties of the specimens ( rapid cooled after conventional rolling ) are better than that of slow cooled after low temperature rolling .

  7. 试验结果表明,聚羧酸系高效减水剂的使用效果优于萘系减水剂,水淬钢渣粉体与高效减水剂的适应性优于慢冷钢渣粉体。

    The test results show that the effect of polycarboxylate water reducer to converter steel slag powders is superior to that of naphthalene water reducer , and the adaptability of steel slag quenched with water to superplasticizers is better than that of steel slag cooled at low rate .

  8. 进气速度慢,冷空气吸收并带走热量的速度慢,传热更加充分;反之传热不充分,温度场分布不均匀。

    The cold gas will take less heat , and the heat transport can be more fully while the inlet speed is small , otherwise , the heat transport will be inadequate and the distribution of temperature field will be non-uniform .

  9. 环杆行波管慢波结构冷测特性的精确仿真

    Accurate simulation on Cold-Test Characteristics of ring and bar circuit TWT

  10. 重水慢化气冷反应堆上充/补给水流量〔反应堆冷却剂系统〕

    Heavy-water-moderated gas-cooled reactor charging / make-up flow [ reactor coolant system ]

  11. 微带型曲折线慢波结构冷测特性的计算机仿真

    Cold-Test Characteristics Simulation of Microstrip Meander-Line Slow Wave Structure

  12. 文中介绍新型螺旋线慢波结构冷测系统。

    The paper introduces a new measurement system of the cold parameters for Helical Slow-Wave Structure .

  13. 实验表明,相同条件,降温速率越慢,过冷点越低;

    The experiments showed that the more slow the cooling rate is , the more low the supercooling point of the rabbit ear tissue is , under same conditions .

  14. 利用MAFIA软件模拟耦合腔慢波结构的冷测特性

    Simulation of CCTWT Slow-Wave Circuits Cold-Test Parameters Using MAFIA Program

  15. 采用MWS模拟具有一维光子带隙结构的共轴环光子晶体微腔的谐振特性以及具有一维光子带隙结构的慢波系统的冷特性,详细分析了几何参数对此微腔、慢波系统特性的影响。

    The resonant properties of 1D coaxial photonic crystal micro-cavity and cold characteristics of slow wave system with 1D PBG structure have been simulated by MWS . The effect of geometrical parameters on the characters of micro-cavity and slow wave system has been analyzed .

  16. 运用近似场求解法求出波纹内导体慢波结构的冷、热腔色散方程,并进行了数值计算;

    The dispersion equations of the slow-wave structure are derived , calculated and discussed in detail .

  17. 在螺旋慢波结构行波管制作中,螺旋慢波组件冷挤压是其中工序之一。

    A new squeezing method to assemble helix-type slow-wave structure is introduced , and a cold squeezing machine has been developed .