
  1. 别站在外面冻得打哆嗦了——进来暖暖身子吧!

    Don 't stand outside shivering ─ come inside and get warm !

  2. 他们身着大衣,围着围巾,穿得暖暖和和。

    They were warmly dressed in coats and scarves .

  3. 他们舒舒服服、暖暖和和地躺在毯子里。

    They lay snug and warm amid the blankets .

  4. 暖暖的炉火吸引着她继续向前走进那间屋子。

    She went further into the room , drawn by the warmth of the fire

  5. 鲍勃和路易丝为我们准备了一顿丰盛的饭菜给我们暖暖身子。

    Bob and Louise had prepared a sumptuous meal to thaw out our bodies .

  6. 夕阳为古老的红砖墙罩上了一层暖暖的炫目光辉。

    The evening sun warms the old red brick wall to a radiant glow .

  7. 屋里有火,快进来暖暖身子吧!

    There is a fire in here ; come in and warm yourself up .

  8. 他喝了些土豆汤暖暖身子。

    He warmed himself with the potato soup .

  9. 空气很清新,太阳照在身上暖暖得就像有人抱着一样。

    The air is crisp , and the sun feels like warm hug .

  10. 他感到肚子里的牛奶暖暖的。

    He felt the warm milk inside his stomach .

  11. 然后,暖暖的散发着清香的干草会被卸进大阁楼,直到堆得整个谷仓看起来像无数的筒状草与苜蓿铺起的奇妙的大床一样。

    Then the hay would be hoisted , sweet and warm , into the big loft , until the whole barn seemed like a wonderful bed of timothy and clover .

  12. 暖暖的空气充满着几千里外西方海洋的雨水(b西莱尔贝洛克)

    The warmish air , laden with the rains of those thousands of miles of western sea ( bHilaire Belloc )

  13. 母亲给孩子穿得暖暖的,以抵御寒风。

    The mother bundled the child up against the cold wind .

  14. 阿兰醒来时,晨阳暖暖地照在他的脸上。

    Alan woke with the early-morning sun gently warming his face .

  15. 礼物中的礼物,丝带里藏着暖暖的情意。

    Gift within a gift , affection hidden within the ribbons .

  16. 暖暖的色调与柔和的光影中,人们看上去更美了。

    Tones are warmer , people look pretty in soft light .

  17. 影片中,弗雷德甚至将他比作一团“暖暖的棉花糖”。

    Fred even compares him to a " warm marshmallow . "

  18. 这和暖暖的早晨啤酒搭配起来很不错。

    This pairs really nicely with warm morning after keg beer .

  19. 我们穿得暖暖去骑自行车。

    We put on warm clouthes and ride our bikes .

  20. 保母抱着个孩子进来,孩子身上裹着暖暖的毯子。

    The nurse carried in a baby wrapped in a warm blanket .

  21. 在我的发际,你留下指尖暖暖的情意。

    Within my hair , you kept your warmth and your love .

  22. 暖暖车,莱纳德,咱们去买海报。

    Warm up the car , Leonard , it 's poster time .

  23. 春天的太阳暖暖的,春天的风也柔柔的。

    Spring sun warm , the spring wind Rou Rou 's.

  24. 中午的阳光总是暖暖的,即使外面依旧是乍暖还寒。

    The noon sun always warm , even outside is still warm .

  25. 好吧,看来只能让它们暖暖了。

    Okay , warm them up . that 's my only choice .

  26. 草的柔柔、软软、暖暖&而嬉耍其上的孩童的确属于嫩草世代。

    Our happy children do belong to an era of tender grass .

  27. 我只是在你回来之前,替你暖暖位子。

    I 'm just keeping your place warm until you get back .

  28. 乖乖猫,暖暖猫,小小毛绒球

    Soft kitty , warm kitty , little ball of fur

  29. 太阳光暖暖的,我和宝宝边走边玩耍。

    The sunlight is warm , we play while walking .

  30. 我选择写下,盘旋回响在我心中的这暖暖的几行。

    To write warm lines which hover in heart , I choose .