
  • 网络chronic mercury poisoning
  1. 结论慢性汞中毒患者CSF-Hg含量随外周血汞升高而升高,但与U-Hg含量无关;

    Conclusion CSF-Hg concentration in chronic mercury poisoning patient is increased with the rise of B-Hg , but not U-Hg .

  2. 慢性汞中毒对凝血及纤溶系统的影响

    Effects of chronic mercury poisoning on blood coagulation and fibrolysis systems

  3. 慢性汞中毒致肾损伤的临床观察

    The clinical observation of renal injury induced by chronic mercury intoxication

  4. 慢性汞中毒患者脑脊液汞含量的探讨

    Mercury concentration in cerebrospinal fluid in patients with chronic mercury poisoning

  5. 口服二巯基丁二酸治疗慢性汞中毒

    Treatment of Chronic Mercury Poisoning through Oral Administration of Dimercaptosuccinic Acid Capsules

  6. 慢性汞中毒引起肾损伤的临床表现、治疗及预后观察

    Clinical manifestation , therapy and prognosis of rental injury induced by chronic mercury intoxication

  7. 慢性汞中毒的神经系统损害特点

    Features of neurological injuries after chronic mercury intoxication

  8. 方法回顾性分析10例以神经系统损害为主要临床表现的慢性汞中毒的临床资料。

    Methods Retrospective studies the clinical data in 10 cases that were diagnosed of chronic mercury intoxication .

  9. [方法]收集22例慢性汞中毒病人的临床资料,做一综合分析评价。

    [ Method ] Make a comprehensive evaluation by collecting clinical material of 22 patients with chronic mercury intoxication .

  10. 结论长期大量使用手工调制的银汞合金,如不注意防护,口腔科医生易患慢性汞中毒。

    Conclusion Longtime amalgam-mixing by hand , dentist is easy to suffer from chronic mercury poisoning , if not paying due attention to protection .

  11. 依据接触史、尿汞水平和临床表现,结合我国现行诊断慢性汞中毒的标准,可对接触汞职工进行汞中毒程度的诊断;

    Based on his exposure history , urinary mercury , and clinical symptom , the employee who exposed occupationally to mercury can be diagnosed to a certain degree according to the related diagnostic standards .

  12. 结果显示:慢性汞中毒引起血清、肝、脑和肾中汞含量升高的同时,引起血清、脑和肾中铜、锌含量及肝中锌含量降低;

    The results were obtained that the copper and zinc content of serum , brain and kidney and the zinc content of liver decreased while the mercury content of serum , liver , brain and kidney increased .

  13. 目的:观察慢性汞中毒大鼠行为学和组织中汞含量变代,探讨慢性汞中毒周围神经的病理损伤及机制。

    AIM : To observe the changes of praxiology and mercury content in the tissue of rats with chronic methylmercury intoxication , and explore the pathological injury of peripheral nerve caused by methylmercury chloride ( MMC ) intoxication and the mechanism .

  14. 结论慢性汞中毒可能导致患者TM/PC系统、t-PA/PAI系统失衡(抗凝血功能下降,纤溶系统功能抑制)而使机体处于继发性高凝血状态。

    Conclusion Dysfunction of the TM / protein C system and t-PA / PAI system ( i.e. the decrease of anti-coagulation activity and the inhibition of the function for the fibrolysis system ) may play a key role in the secondary hypercoagulable state induced by chronic mercury poisoning .