
  • 网络rural environmental protection
  1. 基于循环经济理论的农村环境保护策略

    Rural Environmental Protection Strategy Based on the Theory of Circular Economy

  2. 严控污染下乡加强农村环境保护

    Control Strictly Pollutions down to Countryside and Strengthen Rural Environmental Protection

  3. 农村环境保护的重点与保护措施研究

    Study on Emphasis and Measures of Environmental Protection in the Countryside

  4. 解决中国农村环境保护信息非对称性的方法探索

    How to solve the rural asymmetric information during the environmental protection

  5. 污染转嫁背景下农村环境保护的新思路

    New Ideas for Rural Environmental Protection in the Context of Pollution Shifting

  6. 汕头市农村环境保护的主要问题及对策

    The Main Problems and Solutions of Rural Environmental Protection in Shantou City

  7. 农村环境保护法治建设的成就、问题和改进

    Environmental Legal Constructions in Countryside : Achievements , Problems , and Perfections

  8. 论市场机制在农村环境保护中的缺失

    On Market Mechanisms in the Loss of Rural Environmental Protection

  9. 农村环境保护与企业的社会责任

    Protecting the Rural Environment and Enterprise 's Social Accountability

  10. 贵州喀斯特地区农村环境保护与经济发展冲突及对策

    The Conflict and Countermeasure of Guizhou Karst Rural Environmental Protection and Economic Development

  11. 我国农村环境保护立法问题的若干思考

    Thoughts about our country 's village environmental protection legislation

  12. 农业循环经济对我国新农村环境保护具有重要的意义。

    Agriculture circulation economy has important significance in environmental protection in new rural .

  13. 农村环境保护与三农问题

    Rural Environmental Protection and Problems of Agriculture , Rural Area and Farmers in China

  14. 城镇化背景下农村环境保护法律问题探究

    On Legal Issues of China 's Rural Environmental Protection Under the Background of Urbanization

  15. 国土整治与农村环境保护

    Territorial Control and Rural Environmental Protection

  16. 农业循环经济对我国社会主义新农村环境保护具有重要的意义。阐述了发展农业循环经济对社会主义新农村环境保护的重要作用;

    Agricultural cycle economy is of great significance to the protection of socialist new countryside environment .

  17. 加强农村环境保护确保农民实现小康

    Strengthen the Rural Environmental Protection

  18. 农业非点源污染控制区划研究是农村环境保护研究的新领域。

    Agricultural non-point source pollution control regionalization is a new area of research to rural environmental protection .

  19. 贵州喀斯特农村环境保护与扶贫开发协作机制和模式

    Cooperation Mechanism and Model of Environment Protection and Poverty Alleviation in Karst Rural Area of Guizhou Province

  20. 目前,我国新农村环境保护法制建设中存在干群环境法律意识淡薄,环境管理体制不完善等严重问题。

    This paper systematically analyzed the current situation of rural environment and new rural construction of major environmental problems .

  21. 嗣后,本研究构建了中国农村环境保护社区机制的评价体系和评价方法。

    Finally this research constructs the evaluation system and measures on community mechanism in environmental protection in Chinese rural area .

  22. 以农村环境保护问题为研究对象,运用归纳、例证等方法对农村环境问题的危害、产生根源、解决措施进行分析。

    The authors review the harmful effects , the root and solution countermeasure of the rural environment problems , with inductive and exemplification methods .

  23. 我国历史上有着丰富多彩的社区生态文化资源,在农村环境保护中起着重要的作用。

    There are a lot of resources about ecological culture in community in our country in history , which play an important role in rural environment preservation .

  24. 农村环境保护关系到广大农民的切身利益,关系到国家可持续发展。

    Rural environmental protection concerns the interests of vast majority of peasants , the welfare of people of the whole country , and the state sustainable development .

  25. 县级、乡级人民政府应当提高农村环境保护公共服务水平,推动农村环境综合整治。

    The people 's governments at the county and township level shall raise the level of public services for rural environmental protection , and implement comprehensive rural environment management .

  26. 国家近些年加大了对农村环境保护的投入,农村环境连片整治运动就是其中比较有代表性的项目。

    In recent years , our government increase the investment in environmental protection in rural area , contiguous rural environment improvement movement is the representative project of rural environment protection .

  27. 环境公平应成为农村环境保护法的基本理念无意中,村庄里有人顶着雪堆起了雪人。

    The Environmental Equality Must Be The Basic Mission Statement of The Rural Environment-protection Law Accidentally , in the village some people went against the snow drift to have the snowman .

  28. 长期以来,农村环境保护常常被人们所忽视,特别是农村生态环境污染与生态环境破坏日趋严重,但却不被重视。

    For a long time , rural environmental protection is always neglected , especially rural environmental pollution and ecological damage to the environment are worsening , but it is not taken seriously .

  29. 虽然政府在农村环境保护与治理上采取了一系列措施,付出了艰辛的努力,但是效率依然十分低下,未能遏制农村环境继续恶化的趋势。

    Although the government has taken a series of measures to protect the rural environment , the result is not optimistic , and the deterioration trend of the rural environment have not been stopped .

  30. 国家权力,尤其是国家行政权在农村环境保护领域的组织结构、职能配置及运行机制都需要环境管理体制予以必要和明确地规定,并加以制度化。

    State power , especially the organizational structure , the functional configuration and the operational mechanism of the state administrative power in the environmental protection in rural areas , must be regulated and institutionalized .