
  1. 关于农产品电子商务中协商问题的分析研究

    Analysis of Negotiation Problem in Agricultural Electronic Commerce

  2. 生鲜农产品电子商务的进一步发展对现今物流配送服务提出了新的要求。

    The further development ofe-commerce on fresh agricultural products poses a new requirements to distribution .

  3. 之后,针对这些基本情况,分析湖北省农产品电子商务存在的问题。

    After these , the article analysis the problems of agricultural products of e-commerce in Hubei .

  4. 在电子商务飞速发展的大环境下,农产品电子商务亟待广泛开展。

    In the rapid development of E-commerce environment , agricultural-produce-online-trading should be carried out widely and urgently .

  5. 作为中部农业大省,湖北省对发展农产品电子商务非常重视。

    As a big agricultural province of the middle , Hubei pay a great attention to the development of e-commerce of agricultural products .

  6. 培育和创新农产品电子商务模式成了当务之急,也已成为理论界研究的热点问题。

    Cultivation of agricultural products and innovative e-commerce model has become a top priority ; the theory has become a hot issue in the study .

  7. 发展农产品电子商务是提升农产品竞争力、加强农业信息化建设、加快农产品市场营销创新的重要途径。

    E-commerce is a important way for promoting the competitiveness of agricultural products , strengthening construction of agricultural informatization , and accelerating innovation of marketing of agricultural products .

  8. 文章论述了农产品电子商务的概念、特点、出现的背景,比较深入的分析了湖南省发展农产品电子商务的重要性及面临的机遇和制约因素。

    This article discusses of the concept , characteristics and background of e-commerce , gives a depth analysis on the opportunities and constraints facing of agricultural products e-commerce development of hunan province .

  9. 我国农产品电子商务主要有两种类型即政府办的供求信息服务型和各经济实体办的商务服务型,目前还处于初期阶段。

    There are two main types of e-Business in agricultural products i.e. the government-run supply and demand information service type and service-oriented economic entities done business , it is still at a preliminary stage .

  10. 农产品电子商务是指利用互联网、计算机、多媒体等现代通信技术,为从事涉农领域的生产经营主体提供在计算机网络上完成农产品或农业服务的销售、购买和电子支付等业务交易的过程。

    Agricultural-produce-online-trading means the online trading process , including selling , buying , and paying , of agricultural produce aided with modern communication technologies , such as the internet , computers , and multimedia .

  11. 这部分首先介绍了湖北省开展农产品电子商务的基本情况,包括优势农产品、开展电子商务物流的环境、现有的物流体系以及运作模式等。

    This part carry out the basic situation of agricultural products of , e-commerce including the competitive agricultural products , the environment of e-commerce logistics , the existing logistics system and the mode of operation .

  12. 发展农产品电子商务是改变传统农业,促进农业标准建设、农产品企业化经营、农产品规模化、专业化、一体化的重要途径。

    Developing agricultural product electronic commerce is changing the traditional farming , the promotion agriculture standard construction , the peasant household commercialization management , the agricultural product formalization , specialized , the integrated important way .

  13. 为了创造良好的农产品电子商务发展环境、促进农产品电子商务的发展,湖北省急需解决在电子商务环境下农产品物流发展滞后的问题。

    In order to create good agricultural e-commerce development environment , and promote the agricultural development of electronic commerce , Hubei urgent need to solve the problem of the lag of agricultural logistics in e-commerce environment .

  14. 我们发现农产品电子商务销售模式能够克服现行其他销售模式存在的主要问题,所以我们期望通过研究农产品电子商务模式来解决目前农村农产品销售存在的困难。

    We find that the agricultural e-commerce sales model can overcome the major disadvantage of the existing agricultural sales model , so we expect to solve the difficulties of the sales of agricultural products in rural areas through studying the agricultural e-commerce model .

  15. 针对湖北省发展农产品电子商务物流存在的问题,提出应从制定相关的法律法规及行业标准,加快农村信息化建设,改善农产品物流管理方式等方面改进。

    As a solution of the problem of logistics of e-commerce agricultural products in Hubei , we should develop the relevant laws and regulations and industry standards , speed up the construction of rural information and improve the way of management of agricultural logistics .

  16. 正因为这样,关于本文研究菜虫网生鲜农产品电子商务平台营销模式优化则变得特别有意义,从农产品流通创新模式到农产品电子商务营销拓展都具有较大商业参考价值。

    Because of this , this paper studies about food insect net fresh agricultural e-commerce platform marketing mode optimization is particularly significant , from the circulation of agricultural products , agricultural products innovation mode to e-commerce marketing development has great reference value to the business .

  17. 问题包括电子商务环境不完善、物流设施和管理欠缺以及农产品电子商务物流专业人才不足等方面。第三部分,湖北省农产品电子商务物流的建议与模式创新。

    Point out some problems , such as the inadequate of e-commerce environment , the lack of logistics facilities and management , and the lack of specialized personnel of logistics of e-commerce agricultural products . Third , the advice and model innovation of Hubei e-commerce agricultural logistics .

  18. 农产品销售电子商务系统的建立与应用研究

    The Research on the Establishment and Application of E-commerce for Sales of Agricultural Products System

  19. 以现代信息技术为基础,搭建农业生产决策支持系统平台和农产品流通电子商务平台,将保证城市郊区农业可持续发展的知识创新、技术创新和管理创新。

    To support these innovations , two electronic platforms , decision making system for agricultural production and e-commercial system for commodity circulation , should be constructed with modern information technology .

  20. 因此,农产品流通领域引入电子商务技术,将会产生非常巨大的经济效益和社会效益。

    Therefore , EB application in circulation of agricultural products will produce huge social and economic benefit .

  21. 然而,滞后的农产品物流严重的阻碍了农产品电子商务的发展。

    However , the lag of agricultural logistics is a serious obstacle to the development of agricultural products of e-commerce .

  22. 主要阐述了研究背景意义、国内外研究现状以及农产品、农产品物流、农产品电子商务物流的相关理论。第二部分,湖北省农产品电子商务物流的现状及问题分析。

    Described the background of the research , research status , and the concept , such as agricultural products , logistics of agricultural products and logistics of e-commerce agricultural products . Second , the status and problems of e-commerce logistics of agricultural products in Hubei .